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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. Some people just have way to much money and time on their hands. Those things look horribly uncomfortable.
  2. If you would have ready between the lines you probably would have got it. When you act righteous, which you have been, you act like everything you say is right and everyone else is wrong and that's the bottom line. And I still think she should go to jail, because she was putting her child in harms way. I understand how that won't happen, but that is just how I feel on the subject. So how about we just agree to disagree.
  3. Well if she thought letting her 12 year old share a bed with her 15 year old boyfriend, she's apparently not all there in the first place. I'm looking at the safety of the child, if the mother didn't realize that was a bad idea what the else could she have been doing that puts the childs welfare in danger. I don't consider it a punishment to take her child away if she can't care for them properly, mentally ill or not. Edit to add: I know many people who have bipolar disorder who have no problem taking care of their kids, and keeping them safe, and they know right from wrong. They keep the illness in check by taking their meds, seeing the doctor and what not. I'm definatly not saying all people with mental issues should have their kids taken away, but only the ones who can't take care of the children should have them removed from the home. I'm more concerned about the safety of the child/children then anything else. +10 There is a difference in being right about something, and being righteous about it.
  4. Like I got sent home from school early..so I might as well get some stuff around the house done befor the kiddos show up this weekend.
  5. I've lost 5 pounds, and I've been watching what I'm eatting. It's also helping that I'm up at a decent time and going to bed at decent time thanks to school. I've also been helping out with the yard work which is helping my arms because the weed wacker is heavy hehe. I just need to start hitting the treadmil or going for a walk in the evening to the end of the road and back, as it is a mile. The key to the walking on the road is to not get hit by a tractor though...
  6. The same thing popped into my head when I saw that story too, which kinda creeped me out a bit.
  7. You and me both sista. I have an assload of weed wacking to finish this weekend, as well as getting things ready for the kids being here for the week for VBS.
  8. I'm not saying the girl shouldn't be held responsible too, because she's definatly a dumbass for not using a condom. Hell the Aussie's version of child protective services are at major fault too for not investigating the fathers complaints. Frankly I'm wondering how the woman got custody of the daughter in the first place if she was so mentally unstable in the first place. Basically this whole situation is one giant fuckup.
  9. I loved that movie, Clint Eastwood as already stated is a total bad ass. He's the king of all badassery. And yes I made up a word just to explain how much of a badass he is.
  10. Again please don't assume what I do and do not know. My grandfather lived with us for 10 years and he had dementia, which means I had to help take care of him as a pre-teen. For the last two years of his life, he couldn't remember my name and called me Betty, because apparently I look a lot like my grandmother. So, I know exactly how horrible it is on a person.
  11. Rev please don't try to tell me what I do and do not know, beacuse you wouldn't have any idea since you really don't know me all that well.
  12. I don't believe they will punish her either because of her mental illness, but I do believe that she should be. People need to be held accountable for what they do, especially if they do something wrong.
  13. Rev I have a mental illness and I have been institutionalized, and I'm not stupid enough to let a 12 year old share a bed with her 15 year old boyfriend. I'm not being intolerent, I'm just sick of people producing kids they can't/won't take care of, and then those kids are having babies while they are still kids. What the woman was doing was neglecting her child, which is a crime last time I checked. And just because she's mentally ill doesn't mean she shouldn't be punsihed. And where did you get dementia from? The article doesn't mention what the woman has.
  14. I say they should punish the mother for being a complete dumb ass though. That would at least make me feel better about the whole situation.
  15. Thinking about how much homework I'm going to get done tomorrow since school was canceled since both the teachers are sick hehe. I'm also trying to figure out how Bren got my cell number since I don't remember giving it to her. But the texts from her yesterday were a very nice suprise.
  16. You should have seen my jaw drop when he said it. I almost cried for a second lol.
  17. Happy and sad all at the same time. I'm happy that I got to spend a few days with my boo, but I'm very sad it had to end so soon. Although my dad welcomed him to the faimly which is very good
  18. Effing over joyed that I got my sister's stupid RSVP cards to print right finally.
  19. I was weed wacking...my arms feel like jello
  20. My mom telling me how nice it was of me to mow the lawn today after I got home from school.
  21. Put some aloe on my face, it got a tad burned while I was mowing lawn. Then I'm going to pass out for the night.
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