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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. pooped, I just walked about two miles all together because I was push mowing the lawn.
  2. Charlie telling me that he'll be up for the 4th of July
  3. F'ing exausted, it was a long ass day
  4. Brenda you're hot as hell in that picture.
  5. I'm glad the county backed down on this. I also think that the person from the county who came to the house needs to be retrained.
  6. Yes it should, kick them in the shins for being inconsiderate.
  7. I'm kinda sleepy, I didn't sleep very well last ngiht.
  8. I'm still tired, but I can't sleep anymore. I also feel like I need to do laundry here in the next few hours so I have clothes to wear to school this week.
  9. I signed it, I like making the occassional outfit and definatly cannot afford the red tape that law would cause.
  10. Being told by my mom's boss that I'm a great gal. We were at his daughters graduation party today, and I was talking to her about the local college.
  11. The Rockafeller Skank- Fatboy Slim I heard it on my way home, I was listening to the 90's station on my XM
  12. I'm happy that my sister is letting Charlie drive up with her and the kids at the end of the month so he can spend a week here. He gets to spend time with my parents too while I'm at school, so they can get to know him better which is very good So needless to say I'm grand. I'm also happy that I was able to help out a dear friend tonight.
  13. I'm so happy I can relax this weekend.
  14. Well that is some drug cocktail, I'm sure it wouldn't take much.
  15. It all depends on the type of pill, and how high your tolerence is. I myself have taken a whole 100 pill bottle of asprin (when I was a teenager) and all I got was a stomach ache.
  16. I'm thinking about how shitty it'll be to have to do 200 more hours in beauty school if Charlie and I move to Oklahoma, to get my license for that state.
  17. I hate Will Ferrell, but I might have to suck it up and see this one. It looks funny as hell.
  18. I feel lonely, I want to be in his arms right now. I also should goto bed soon since I have to be up at 6:40 to get ready for school. At least I was taught something today, I learned how to do a manicure and put on nail tips.
  19. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,525145,00.html It was a racoon
  20. I'm thinking about how today is the 20th anniversery of the Tiananmen Square massacre. And how I really don't want to goto class if I'm just going to sit there for 7 hours doing book work again, seeing as I've been doing that all week. I want them to actually teach me something.
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