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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. I'm worried about my sister. The husband of one of her friends tried to kill himself last night. So sis has been having flashbacks all day, while trying to take care of these peoples kids so the wife can be at the hospital with her husband.
  2. People would actually have to go out and vote for that to happen. Lobbyist need to be taken out the the equation too, but term limits would definatly be helpful too.
  3. Well the doctor called today, I'm fine apparently. I just wish it wouldn't have taken almost two weeks to tell me that.
  4. A little depressed, so i'm heading to bed.
  5. It's different in politics. When someone has been pushing the same agenda for 30+ years, and refusing to change for the better it's time to get them out of there.
  6. Slightly irritated with the free clinic in Lansing. Charles cracked a tooth in half, and now needs it pulled out. Well the free clinic told him that they aren't taking on new patients so he's screwed. It's not like he's asking for a kidney transplant or something, he just wants them to pull out a freaking tooth.
  7. The douche factor is probably down because Wayne State is done with classes for the summer.
  8. Eatting my salad and watching Doctor Who on the SciFi
  9. I'm happy, I have all my exams done. Now I have a few weeks of freedom till I start beauty school June 1st.
  10. Fucking irriated with some so called friends.
  11. We must be on the same wave length tonight as I was just going to do this lol. Happy Birthday Pest
  12. I proclaim that The Eternal is funny as hell, and should be king of the world.
  13. I haven't seen it yet, I generally wait till things come out on video, but I've heard mixed reviews.
  14. If there was an attendant there, they most definatly should. I also believe that the girls mother should be charged with neglect or something for letting her 10 year old just wander off by herself. We don't even let kids do that up here anymore, and I'm hours away from a big city.
  15. Yes, yes they are. I'm going to go make a sammich and then time to study
  16. I want one..those are so disturbingly cute.
  17. Frankly I'd call the cops on them. They'd get charged with mantaining a drug house, possesion with the intentent to distruibute, contributing to the deliquency of a minor..among other things.
  18. I've got a headache, they seem to be coming more frequent lately and I'm not enjoying it.
  19. Ebay motors usually has a shit ton of them for cheap. Check it out you might find something local.
  20. Now this is off topic, but I've done pageants before. I think the child ones are horrible, but the ones I was in as a teenager were always fun. All us girls got along very very well. Granted I think parents push kids way to hard these days. I wasn't in dance or anything as a child, except for little league. My parents told me it doesn't matter if you win or lose as long as you fun.
  21. Looks like a nice place, I agree with SG's suggestions though. Renting the place out once in a while is fine, but if they set up regular club nights they would make some money.
  22. For some reason I feel like I want one of those god awful Kentucky Derby hats...
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