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Everything posted by TitsMcGee

  1. What a coincidence, so was I. Now I'm watching Law and Order SVU and talking to my boo.
  2. Well I had my blood work today, ultrasound is on friday. I got a print out of last weeks blood work, and I figured out why doc was tripping out at my liver enzymes. The highest they like to see on one of them is 40, and mine was 77. Sad part is that I feel great, and they tell me I'm sickly. In other news, I only have two weeks left of school which makes me happy. And there is a job fair tomorrow at school so hopefully I can find a job for evenings and weekends since I'm going to be starting beauty school in June.
  3. Omg, I'm dying of laughter This is better than "It's So Cold In The D"
  4. You Are A Lime Tree You are intelligent, hard working, and innately successful. You try to change what you can in life - and you accept what you can't change. Tough on the outside, you are actually soft and relenting. Jealous at times, you are extremely loyal and giving to those you love. You have many talents, but you don't have enough time to use them. What's Your Celtic Horoscope?
  5. I feel like I want to become a cake baker/decorator now that I've watched the wedding cake show on WE tv.
  6. I feel that my liver ultra sound is scheduled for Friday, thus it's going to be a long fucking week because of my worrying about it.
  7. Ah this is because I'm not originally from the D. I'm 5 hours north of Detroit and they look at me funny when I say something about goths or techno music.
  8. I'm going to go old school and tell you to have some warm milk.
  9. from when I was in CGI at school...I like to play with the photoshop still on occassion.
  10. I'm pretty sure the Japanese has made something along those lines..
  11. Tomorrow starts my life change, I will be healthy god damnit. The recent medical issues have opened my eyes that I'm slowly killing myself.
  12. I think love should be added personally...because I think it's pretty awesome.
  13. I wouldn't really consider the New York Times as a very good source since they are extreamly liberal. Non bias media is best for sources.
  14. Seriously people are allowed to voice their opinions, and if you actually read the tea parties were protesting both parties because they both fucked up. Calling people retards for voicing their opinions is just assinine.
  15. My sister might want video of her wedding in September...I can ask her about it.
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