I'm rather pissed off right now. I missed class today because I didn't have the gas to drive the 30 miles to school, nor did I have the money to get gas, so I texted the person that rides with me to tell him that he was on his own. This person doesn't have a license, so his parents drive him in if I can't meet him at the carpool stop. Well I get a text from his pissed off mother saying she had and appointment and she was going to be late since she had to drive him in. Mind you her kid is 23 years old, and they refuse to let him get his license, but still expect him to get a job.
Needless to say, I'm seriously considering telling them fuck you for the rest of the semester. I can't use money I don't have just so her kid can get to school, especially since I'm going in an hour earlier than I need to.