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Everything posted by GrosDarling13

  1. Is There a way to delete my profile? I never come here and I would rather just delete it :] easy peasy.

  2. I should come here more but I never do. Maybe I will start more :]

    1. Nate Kriepp

      Nate Kriepp

      At the risk of sounding like some sort of creep, please do. I really like your photography!

    2. GrosDarling13


      :D I will try then and thank you very much!!!

  3. :D I am very happy that you enjoy my photography so very much. Sorry this is so late, I just don't come here that much.

  4. Cold slabbed, toe tagged and sent home to your momma in a plastic bag.

  5. "Do how you feel, not what you think." Things seem to be more balanced this way :]

  6. I will try to post more, to get to know more people!! :D I promise, in time.

  7. :D Yes always better with a friend, since I don't know anyone here, haha.

  8. Rawr to you!! I decided to come on here, what harm could did do. Thought I'd let ya know <3

  9. Whoa, haven't been here in awhile.. thought it was time to return.

  10. I think we're simply meant to be...

  11. I Love The Dead - Alice Cooper. Skulls - The Misfits. Pussy Liquor - Rob Zombie. Redeemer - I believe Manson sings it. Its from the movie Queen of The Damned. Trigger - Motorhead
  12. Its all cool- And sorry I didn't reply sooner either/ Just alot is going on. And I am getting lost in the moment.


  13. Hello =] How are you this night?

  14. So true! And..... Pirates are ALOT hotter then Ninjas.
  15. Thank you =] Yes, I always follow my heart, where it leads me.

    What are some of your interests?

  16. Naw, no band for me. Thats not my passion. I am usually the one behind the scenes, doing the CD artwork, and make-up for the band. I have done that for like 4 different bands. T-shirt designs & posters. Thats where I would come in.

    Wicked =] that sounds like it should be a blast!

  17. Yea, I can play a bit of guitar. I actually just started again. Forgot how amazing it is. Lol. I still need my brother to show me some things.

    A party aye? Sounds razor :)

  18. Ok, just tired & trying to get my creativity flowing. Lol.

    I have been having problems with friends lately..maybe theres something in the air.. lol.

  19. I agree Some men can pull off the look of wearing make-up and some can't. And for me, it also has to do with applying it the right way. Same with women, some just do not know how to apply the make-up that looks The best on them. So it all depends. But a man that can apply eyeliner & they know what they are doing, is a wonderful thing
  20. Hello =] How are you doing on this very gloomy evening??

  21. I can play a few songs on the guitar, I would love to buy a brand new guitar and everything. My brother could teach me. He plays in a well known Detroit band. Lol.

  22. Nevermind- I figured it out & I have like 40+ photos in my gallery =]


  23. Wicked =] I am doing wonderful too!

  24. =] Well, If I knew what I was doing on here, I would have photos for you to comment. lol.

  25. I am single && fucking happy about it. Got out of a short bullshit relationship that meant nothing & I am so fuckin Happy its over. Because I would rather be alone and happy then be with someone just for the sake Of being with someone. "Im lonely." Bullshit. Most people dont really know what 'Lonely' is- And I agree with a statement a few pages back- "Lonely is a state of mind." And its soooo true, because it is. If you get yourself down about thinking about the past, your going to make yourself Feel alone & lonely. But if you focus on the good things and leave relationships in the dust for awhile when you in one, you won't no the difference between being with someone or being alone. Well, thats how it is for me.
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