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TheLordOfSins last won the day on December 10 2009

TheLordOfSins had the most liked content!

About TheLordOfSins

  • Birthday 05/28/1984

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Ferndale Michigan
  • Interests
    Drawing, playing Bass and Guitar (though I'm still learning Guitar), I play D&D and many online role playing games, I love computers, mostly for gaming, I also practice Kendo (Asian sword fighting), I like running, roller blading and biking, I love all kinds of movies, anything from silent films, to bad movies, to zombie movies, most of all Ed Wood movies! I love history, science, astronomy, basically anything overly dorky, thats me. Yet, I play dorky rather well.
  • Referred To DGN By:
    Miss Kitty / Christopher McAllister

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  1. I miss you guys! 

  2. I miss winter, it's to fucking hot.

  3. Feeling extremely anxious. Buying a car tomorrow. I've always bought from people I know, this is the first time from a dealer.
  4. I am beautiful because I am stubborn, but willing to admit when I'm wrong.
  5. Tired, sweaty, sore and the burns on my arm from work hurt from said sweating. Other then that, good.
  6. Once upon a time, TitsMcGee and MissKitty told me of this magical gothic place! A few days later and BAM! TheLordofSins. :D Slogo as well. Class of 08'.
  7. Did a single facebook post really bring this many people to post on DGN in one day? O.o
  8. *Wipes the dust out of my eyes* Where am I? I feel as though I've been asleep for 3 years. lol
  9. Happy Birthday :D

  10. Sending Birthday Wishes :)

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