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Everything posted by TheLordOfSins

  1. I miss Bean and Eternal... *Bites Eternal and hugs Bean!*
  2. Making a post just so I can use Angels smily!
  3. Relaxing, checkin' my online stuff, then gonna take a nap! When I get up, I think I'll work out.
  4. Getting dressed an ready for me day. Likely then grab me some coffee!
  5. Yay! As for me, tired, but sleep is for the dead!
  6. Really good actually. The day started shitty on my behalf, then I got to talking to alot of friends on DGN and then met a few new people, then hung out with Slogo. Great day!
  7. Nothing! I was just saying hi! ^_^

  8. I love FPS, umm, RPGS are also a fav, I played WoW for awhile with my brother, but didn't much care for it. I mostly play City of Heroes, Neverwinter Nights 2, Call of Duty 4, Fallout 3 and Oblivion. I also love flight sims, I've flown since I was like 12, my dads a private pilot. :)

  9. Chatting online with peoples and texting with more peoples. Busy busy!
  10. Nevers! I won't do it! NO! ... So, how about that local sports team? lol OH! You like gaming eh? What kinda games? lol

  11. NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!! *Shakes fist in fury!*

  12. I missed you guys at City this weekend! I wish I could have gone but I needed sleep an had work! Hug your hubby for me! ^_^

  13. Better, oddly enough. A shity, shity, shity day turned into a pretty good day and it's no where close to being over. *High five!* Woo!
  14. If I find a a film on youtube of me snugglin' my stuffed animals, I'll killz you! I'll killz you till you die from it! >.

  15. It just hit me, speed dating for goths is already here it's called walk into City, come up to someone and say, wanna fuck? They'll like say yes and you'll regret it in the morning. Done.
  16. And I'd do it again! >.< DONT JUDGE ME! lol

  17. I got 9 an a half the other night! Oh, that was so nice! I was all snuggled up with a stuffed Elephant. lol Yeah, I've stuffed animals. lol

  18. I used to sleep like 9-10 hours a night when I was younger. Now, 6-8 hours I'm okay with, 4 is the min. I can go down to. If I have to work though, theres hell to pay for all around me if I don't get sleep! >.< RAWR!

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