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Everything posted by TheLordOfSins

  1. *Drools* I can't wait to see it! I'm going to ask my Dad if he wants to go tonight!

  2. Sick... I woke up and everything feels all woozy... Even called into work, I never call into work...
  3. I don't care how tired I'm going to be tomorrow... This night has been worth every moment.
  4. I'm totally straight and I'll say, guys with long hair are normally hot. I used to sport long hair for like 10 years. lol Here's me when I was 17 with red hair at homecoming.
  5. Sore, but looking forward to tonight and my shower an nap shortly.
  6. Still not enough sleep, tired, oh well... Off to work.
  7. Just roll through my profile at 3:30am and not say hi, I see how it is. :p

  8. Tired, annoyed, back is killing me... And I still got a ton of things to do then I have an empty evening. Joy.
  9. Tired, didn't get enough sleep, an dreading I have to leave for work in 20 minutes. Otherwise, I'm good.
  10. Extremely tired... And I've still gotta wash work clothes, shower and do the dish, then i gotta be up at 8:30 am.
  11. About to head out to work... Stupid work.
  12. Listening to music, getting ready for work. I just reached for my phone and I got a static shock, this phone is the gift that keeps giving.
  13. I hear ya! I can't wait for it to be Saturday though! I'm guessing Monday is when your hubby comes home?
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