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Slogo last won the day on August 10

Slogo had the most liked content!


About Slogo

  • Birthday 12/21/1982

Profile Information

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  • Location
    Royal Oak
  • Interests
    I really do have a vast variety of interests.
    History, philosophy, social sciences, humanities and such.
    I'm also a movie lover and would like to make one.

    I'm a HUGE history buff. If you ever wanna BS on the subject I'll be more than happy to do it.
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Slogo's Achievements

  1. Sitting in my hot tub in 27 degree weather. Getting to the door is going to suck.
  2. Kinda wanna start making music again
  3. Odd. The cooler, windy weather is talking me back 15 years. Maybe the worst time of my life, and its put me in a weird place.
  4. Watching Sesame Street while drinking a smoothie. Wild times over here
  5. Weird spot lately. I miss everyone, but I know work doesn't allow for much. I generally hate things I've done and just try to be better. My brain is breaking and it might be good.
  6. Heartache, addiction, self harm, my own narcissistic traits... I'm working on ADHD, but I feel like that's a storm that's going to be there (I just need to harness it)
  7. Tired. just took the kid out for some errands. Its probably not too different to taking raccoons on errands
  8. About to back to work. Hi everyone
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