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Everything posted by Slogo

  1. You Should Be With a Water Sign Your best match is a Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces. You crave intimacy and connection in your relationship. A water sign can open up to you. And while you like to be bonded to your partner, a relationship with a water sign won't be all soul gazing. A water sign matches your goofy sense of humor, as well as your desire to help others. What Sign Should You Be With? Blogthings: Free Quizzes for Everyone I'm Sagittarius. Heh heh heh...FIRE!
  2. Millions of dead motherfuckers, all because they gave the wrong answer to the god question: "Do you believe in God?" "No." Boom! Dead. "Do you believe in God?" "Yes..." "Do you believe in my God?" "No." Boom! Dead. "My god has a bigger dick than your god!" ~ George Carlin
  3. 3 Years war Dutch rebellion against Spain The Tudors (Specifically Henry VIII, Edward V1, and Mary) Northern Ireland The widespread movement against Catholics in America in the mid-19th century St. Barts Day Massacre The French Wars of Religion Seriously...google that shit edited to add: Atheists and Agnostics don't get into wars over not believing in a slightly different way
  4. Because as everyone knows the Democrats hate religion and plan on making it illegal. That's why America elected Obama. Soon our plans for a left wing destruction of tradition will go into effect where Obama tells children to stay in school (gasp) and we don't worship God, we worship gay people...ALL HAIL LIBERACE
  5. The Bible: Get it on Blu-Ray and see the making of the bible. With deleted scenes and a whole new ending not shown in theatres
  6. Yes you are (pats Slogo...oh no wait...Lord of Sins on the head. Sorry you 2 look alike)
  7. I didn't have it but I've been curious since you had it and wouldn't tell me.
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VPGeDU5NyTg&feature=related
  9. punish him to the fullest extent. Though I think the original judge and/or prosecutor should have some punishment as well. If they offered a plea bargain and refused to hold up their end of it it would be a very monarchist attitude toward justice. I think the medeival French did that.
  10. Could you actually turn down an animated movie by Rob Zombie that includes among other things a hot blond with an eye patch who shows her boobs and fights Nazi zombie bikers?
  11. Realized Lord of Sins can be my double in case I'm threatened with assassination. Was slightly terrified of the amount of poofy skirts, so I didn't notice the other douchebags. Dude...Fin...WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DRINKING?!?!?! had fun overall
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H771FCDc5II Damn! Jynxxxed jumped on this thread!
  13. "Some in today's crowd are terminally ill, but most aren't. Not yet, anyway." Well that brightened the hell outta my day
  14. ^ pretty much all Floyd has amazing effects
  15. So licking it will make my toothache go away?....Jeez always thought if i licked it I'd get gonoherpasyphillaids On your point though....it could most certainly be cleaned up a bit. I mainly go there because it's where most of my friends are. And I'm someone who loves being around his friends
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