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Everything posted by Slogo

  1. Hi, Hello, Salutations, and Greetings. Welcome to DGN where the skies are dark as death the rivers are filled with blood and the people are warm and friendly
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rFmYolKP2tg
  3. On one hand...what he did is in my eyes among the most horrible crimes in existence. On the other hand...a prosecutor or judge can't make a plea deal with someone and then break it.
  4. Now i need a ride. I'm in the Madison Hgts/Royal Oak area
  5. But you still eat a big meal in front of him.... savoring every bite during Jewfest when he can't eat, don't cha j/k lol
  6. don't care. why? not my life. if someone cheats on me or vice versa yes it matters, but what happens in someone elses marriage ain't none of my business
  7. nerd punk...interesting http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yu3Rfc9fr-0
  8. Sounds like i'm trapped in the computer. TRON anyone?
  9. Red wings...kick ass


  10. it's kind of like a horror pulp fiction. I did not think was much bad
  11. It's been out for a year and it's on me computer
  12. I'm about an hour into it and holy shit a lot of people die
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