Kevin Wanless
Your Name Comes From the Sun
You are fiery, intense, and passionate. You never do anything halfway.
You are a natural leader, and you often find yourself ruling over others.
Ever since you were very young, you've always had a clear idea of your life's purpose.
You know that you will leave a strong mark on the world and greatly influence the lives of others.
What Planet Does Your Name Come From?
DGN Name
Your Name Comes From Mercury
You have the gift of gab, and nothing energizes you like good conversation.
And it's likely that when you're not talking, you're writing. You love communicating your thoughts.
You are also quite studious. You find learning to be both easy and rewarding.
You are good at understanding what is being communicated to you. You also know what questions to ask to better clarify things.
What Planet Does Your Name Come From?