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Everything posted by Slogo

  1. Don't think I ever met you but good luck
  2. There are so many things. Read, daydream, free writing (my favorite), etc...
  3. I just took this one a couple days ago. Usually when I take a pic of myself it's horrible but this wasn't that bad
  4. Real name Your Supervillain Name is Black Frost Muhahahaha! What's Your Supervillain Name? Dgn name Your Supervillain Name is Death Little Muhahahaha! What's Your Supervillain Name?
  5. I was in a band that actually planned on doing a medley.
  6. is my 8-ball as good as yours? And if so, could we begin negotiations of a merger to gain a monopoly on 8 balls?
  7. though i was not in attendance, may all the blessings of the world fall upon you both. "From every human being there rises a light that reaches straight to heaven, and when two souls that are designed to be together find each other, their streams of light flow together and a single, brighter light goes forth from their united being". - Author Unknown
  8. I'd probably look at your avatar. It's extremely cute. Usually a funny movie helps me more than anything else
  9. well it seems like things have been looking up for a number of people. hopefully the best isn't over
  10. I just lose my mind cause nobody has even given him a chance. I figured I'd give W a 1 year grace period in "01". And he ignored the information that pointed to 9/11
  11. I've been reading a lot into that as a philosophy. As long as nobody else is bothered. I do wonder what those "natural fruits" are.
  12. Yeah, ditto to what prick said
  13. I hear some complaining about what the big orange dot in the sky will do to their skin. I need to thank my dad for marrying an Italian. I'd like to make a make-shift movie this year
  14. Just worked out. I have to say... I'm not gonna start up again, but at least the drugs were good for SOMETHING
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