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Everything posted by Slogo

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FgIlPOPysMM
  2. I'm all for a CIGEIFS month (Canadian-Italian-German-English-Irish-French-Scottish) My family got around
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ERhvqJzmZAY
  4. A pussy does get pretty close to an ass though. Whether or not the ass is bad...?...who knows?
  5. Speaking of bouncers the guy who checks me (he wears glasses) violates my bubble. I'm going to break his nose.... Ha
  6. I am of the belief that you have not experienced creepy until you've seen Hitler's baby picture
  7. My grandpa was old, fat and happy....Kinda goes well with Italians
  8. Maybe I just have a soft spot for overweight guys with goatees who are named Kevin and interested in film.
  9. my chest still hurts

  10. I wants a million billion dollars.
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