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Everything posted by Slogo

  1. The next time you see me, look at me with a straight face and tell me if this happened 1 year after Obama left office (appointing 2 justices) there wouldn't be an angry mob with torches and pitchforks involved
  2. I like umbrella...ella...ella...hey...hey...hey...under my umbrella
  3. I fear I'm too stone minded for that but thanks
  4. I beginning to feel that there is nothing in this world. This world is just my imagination. I always feel like something is missing but I never know what. I feel incomplete...kind of always have. Even when I've been madly in love I feel a certain sort of emptiness. I am someone with good friends, a family indifferent to what I dress like or listen to (which is more than I can say for most) yet I have a constant feeling of emptiness in my heart. Sometimes...I don't have anything else to add
  5. My drink of choice was pop for a very long time...Now it's mostly green tea
  6. I was listening to Anarchy before i read this...LOL
  7. (pokes a zillion times and runs away) heeheehee

  8. Thanks everyone...So who plans on coming over and rocking me to sleep?
  9. And...studies show...those who don't believe it are usually more well read on the subject
  10. What I believed happened was the sudden release of energy in the Earth's crust that creates seismic waves.
  11. But folklore is folklore. Most things IMO from 2,000+ years ago are folklore. The definition of Folklore is 1. the traditional beliefs, legends, customs, etc., of a people; lore of a people. 2. the study of such lore. 3. a body of widely held but false or unsubstantiated beliefs. source: Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2009. Just because some "folklore" said it was true doesn't mean it is. "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." ~ Marcello Truzzi
  12. Slogo

    High Five!

    The high 5 site is a friend of mine
  13. That would have ended 19 years ago BTW...Nordic folklore says that Loki cut off Sif's hair, Thor got pissed at him and we was forced to have dwarves make her new hair out of gold...that doesn't mean it happened.
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