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Everything posted by Slogo

  1. Everyone have fun...since gimp won't be feeling me up, i'll do it myself for the evening
  2. I would've also thrown Alice in Chains "Black gives way to blue"
  3. I hate being in this house with a passion. I need a new job so I can get the fuck out of here. I hate this so much!
  4. if you sign up for the 5 dollar money thing is it my responsibility to do it every month or do you take it off my card automatically. Because I would donate $5 a month but some points in the month I don't have any money in the bank and sometimes I have quite a bit. I'll sign up for it if I decide that it goes in on payday
  5. $200 for a pint and an ounce?!?!?!...I don't smoke anymore but that is an outrage I think I'd feel better if I just knew where she was
  6. The more the merrier contact lillylu for all the info.
  7. which one is katy? I'm gonna go with the one with it's tongue out
  8. And if Tszura does it...that means everyone else has to
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