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Everything posted by Slogo

  1. You'll be fine. Besides I didn't get enough shots of your face on that one day
  2. I do Like Social D but I really don't consider them psychobilly. Thanks everybody for getting me into this though
  3. I couldn't agree more. Of course that's also where I'm likely to see 90% of my friends (the main reason I go there). I'll put up with it to see my friends
  4. I'd like to know how Singularity=god I've always thought Aquinas' proof by "first cause" was kind of a cop-out. "Every effect has to have a cause...except god" I'm not saying there isn't a god, I'm saying it's pretty flimsy proof. As Marcell Truzzi once said "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.". BTW. If you have "proof", is it really faith anymore? Just one man's opinion
  5. It would be kinda cool if it twer 65 and snowy. But alas it never will be I'm feeling rather contemplative
  6. I may have found what I am good for in the past couple of months
  7. Sorry....eh As for myself.... I'm starting to notice the effects of me working out consistently. My man-boobs are getting all firm. And I found a good green tea that I like.
  8. Slogo

    you haz no profile comments. so i said hello. (the message below the space i'm writing told me so)

  9. so what does everyone listen to while exercising?
  10. what do i wanna listen to while i work-out sounds like it could be a good topic
  11. ask the source... Zima...is it meant to be ironic?
  12. "We should have 10 laws in this country. A maximum of 10 laws, that's all we should be allowed to have and you vote on a 900 number. So you can be a fat son-of-a-bitch and still be a productive member of society. Then you'd have all the laws everyone agrees on; like rape and murder and burglary and assault. And then you can half a dozen of the little bullshit mix-and-match laws; don't sell drugs and put an a seatbelt and don't masteurbate on the bus and put on a helmet. And then when you wanna add a new one you kick the least popular back to the people. "o.k. I can't smoke in bars anymore but I can jack-off on the bus again". That way only a certain fraction of people are getting screwed at any given time, on a rotating basis." Doug Stanhope
  13. I'm in ur corpse, disturbing the profiles. Wrap your mind around that one

  14. It is agreed that Zima is as lovely as a rose is red (a red rose, that is)
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