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Everything posted by Slogo

  1. Pink Floyd ~ Another Brick in the Wall (part 3) Snoop Doggy Dog ~ Murder was the Case Ice-T (Bodycount) ~ Cop Killer
  2. it was probably going to be later than that. If you can't make it, no worries. I've gotten so much footage of you I almost just wanna call it the Eevee and Fidget video
  3. like i have adrenaline coming out of my dick
  4. "Everytime I look at the topic "Your favorite boots" I keep thinking it says "Your favorite boobs"
  5. hugs back...no...double hu...no...triple hugs back

  6. It's not youtube but it is so fucking cute cute kitty
  7. Ok. Today would have been my girlfriend's 22nd birthday. And I'm not entirely sure what to feel. Should I be angry, sad, happy (that she doesn't have to deal with the things she had to). I am really at a loss
  8. No you won't. Unless you're my assistant "Get me a latte...de-crackinated" j/k
  9. We've been over this...time travel. I would be way too busy playing with history. It would be against my total judgement to do so but L.O.S. knows me well enough to know I'd end up as a Napoleonic adviser. And he would not have went into Russia...until we got everything perfect. And I'd keep trying till I did. Total Butterfly Effect
  10. I hope Cherie knows , wherever she is, that I wish her a happy birthday, and I love her and this world misses her
  11. I had a good headbob going the entire time...groovy
  12. I vote we open Spook's brain and eat it so we gain his powers
  13. WOW! You're pretty good! You have correctly answered 8 of 10 questions. On average, 1587 of users who took the quiz gave 3.79 right answers.
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