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Everything posted by deadcoldgothgirl

  1. Pets are family too. I'm so sorry this happened.
  2. I would never be able to get matt to wear it to save my life, but a guy in a fishnet shirt and thick black eyeliner.
  3. I feel lazy. I don't know if that is a good or bad thing yet.
  4. I think I would rather be inside in the AC then outside with the heat.
  5. I think my thoughts are exact opposites at the moment. I'm mad at myself for eating fast food so late because I'm actually trying to be healthy. I'm happy my craving is gone. I'm lonely, but I know that I'm just fine. I'm annoyed by the clutter on my stove, but I know there is nothing I can do about it until my shelves are put back up.
  6. I feel like I either drank too much water or I ate too much during dinner.
  7. I feel rudely awakened. When I got up maintenance had half of my cabinet shelves down to work on pipes. I guess that is start for me reorganizing and cleaning today.
  8. I agree. I also think it makes them look tacky and makes them look like a "gangsta" wanna be.
  9. Empowered.... with a side order of bitchy.
  10. I woke up with a bunch of confidence for myself and acidic words for matt. I haven't talked to him in over two weeks. I wonder how this is going to work out.
  11. I'm finding this breakfast sandwich tastey. I normally don't like these types of things.
  12. I feel happy and jumpy. Where did that come from?
  13. I want to go home. Now I'm wondering if my order that I have to place tomorrow will be here before I have to leave. If it isn't, I'm screwed.
  14. I feel like I just got a major confidence boost out of something really creepy.
  15. I think dinner is about to be delicious.
  16. Emotionally torn about two different people, their actions, and my reactions.
  17. It is nice having someone to hang out with.
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