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Everything posted by deadcoldgothgirl

  1. I'm feeling great. I woke up hot and feeling nasty, but while I was asleep the maintenance guys put in a temp AC.
  2. It's funny because I keep getting emails from them like normal with no hint of closing.
  3. I feel like I'm lost. Do I stay or go? Everyone on my other forum wants me to go. My heart wants me to stay. I don't know what he is feeling.
  4. I wonder how much it takes a good thing to become a bad thing?
  5. It's ok. I wasn't offended. Don't worry about it and chillax. Go drink some cotton candy vodka and sprite those made my night, but they were so effing expensive.
  6. I think having a working AC unit would be better then having to periodically stick my head in my freezer to cool down.
  7. I liked going to borders because it was the only book store I know of that I could get Gothic Beauty Magazine with out needing a subscription. I'm probably going to have to order one now. I feel bad because I just went there saturday. A guy I took classes with told me he just got a job there.
  8. ^^The first is always the worst because you don't know what to expect. When you find out what it is like, it isn't as bad.
  9. I don't know if I'm playing with fire or ice.
  10. I'm feeling kinda low. Things today didn't work out as planned. I left a letter on his car explaining why I think he was being a dick. I'm also very hot. My apartments AC is still broken.
  11. Lol you have actually met me once before. You had been drinking for a bit at that point and said you were thinking of if you were going to get to meet me.
  12. I think I didn't get the happy day I was looking forward to. I didn't even get a hug...
  13. I had an awesome time. I got to talk to a lot of people last night (even the cool Mr. Troy). Alyssa also had a blast. The only down fall was it was way too hot for me. I had to just sit in a corner several times because the heat was making me very sick.
  14. I feel awesome. I had a great night and I'm looking forward to a better day before I leave.
  15. I think I better get a call or knock at my door soon.
  16. I think I need more alone time with Matt. That being said, I needs to stop playing games on my computer or something stupid when we are alone.
  17. I think there's got to be a logical explaination to explain this christmas thing.
  18. I feel a mix between happy, tired, lonely, and hungry.
  19. Lol I'll try. Things in my apartment keep breaking. I feel worse about asking people to fix it then the fact I'm inconvenienced.
  20. In Tennessee they made it illegal to do any file sharing including using netflix. So if anyone but you uses your netflix password they can go to jail and get fined. Netflix Sharing can make you go to Jail Most of the people that signed this were in support for it even though they didn't know any of the fine print. They literally said if it stops file sharing they are for it. This is a brief over view. There are more web sites with more information.
  21. I said this before, but I will say it again. I came up with the name when I was joining the GB forum back when they had one. I was trying to figure out something interesting. I looked down and one of my personal writing books was open. I had written a story/ poem called Dead Cold Girl. Since I was joining Gothic Beauty, I threw a goth in there. That is when DeadColdGothGirl was born, and I've used it ever since.
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