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Everything posted by deadcoldgothgirl

  1. I really need to stop staying up so late so I stop getting up really late in the day.
  2. I'm feeling a bit annoyed. When I came home I didn't expect people to treat me like the center of attention, but I did expect to hang out with people now and again. It bothers me that a friend asked me what I was doing for the day, said she would come over after getting a free dinner from her boyfriends house, and then posts on facebook that she has nothing to do. More often I'm noticing she asks a ton of people at once what they are doing so she can pick the most interesting thing to do. I think that is a bit rude considering you are telling other people you are going to hang out with them when you don't.
  3. I told you I would have helped you. The fact you didn't want to wake me up so you could have a drama story for later is your fault.
  4. I feel like I got hit by a bus. I definately slept way too long. It's a problem because I have so much I have to get done in a small amount of time.
  5. I'm thinking I stayed up way too late last night. So now I have to scramble to do all the things I wanted to have done in the last four hours in under three hours.
  6. I think I'm going to be working on stuff for finals for a while tonight.
  7. Last night was pretty fun. I got to be back in the local area, talk to several people I knew (which is odd that I'm starting to know people there now), have a few drinks, and I wanted to punch this guy that kept trying to kiss me when everyone was pretty much leaving. I said I'd dance with the guy, he didn't have to keep trying to take it farther while I was drunk. My body feels sore now, but last night was awesome.
  8. I feel like I don't want to study for my finals for finsih my projects.
  9. I feel like I'm on edge. I want to get some homework done. I keep thinking in my mind what I need to do for the day. I know I still have several hours in the day left, but all I can concentrate on in not doing what I should be.
  10. I have a plan that I should stick to. Let's see if this works out.
  11. I'm tired and I have a headache. I think I need a smoke.
  12. There is so much to do and so little time.
  13. Give me your number and I'll text you so won't feel so bad when it's the phone company In other news. I'm thinking the next week is going to be crazy hectic. The week after is going to be stop and go with hurry up and study and then wait around for the next final. Then the weeks after that is going to be working my butt off, worrying about money, arguing with some family members, and trying to relax a bit over summer with friends before my last year of college hands me my ass on a silver platter.
  14. I'm really tired. I also feel overwhelmed. I have so much that I have to do within the next 24 hours. It's making me even more tired just thinking about it.
  15. It is cold outside, but on the inside of my apartment it is hotter than hell. I don't even have my heat on. What is going on here? I'd open the windows, but after I got to class in an hour, I will be picking up my dog and my stuff and then be headed back down home.
  16. I've been gone for way too long just because I didn't notice this. I suck at life. And I took that picture of you at city. So I guess it all evens out.
  17. If anyone on here would like to clean my apartment, write two papers, and give my dog a bath I would appreciate it. On top of those two I still have to figure out what classes I want to take in fall before monday, work on a 24 minute audio documentary, and get prepaired for a job fair tomorrow.
  18. I'm feeling blah today. There is hail everywhere and I have a ton of stuff to do. Only problem is I can't find motivation to do it all.
  19. 1) I feel tired. I only got two hours of sleep because my computer decided to delete two papers that were due today. 2) I'm a bit annoyed that one of best friends went to talk out her problems with my new bf (whom she barely knows) instead of talking to me. 3) I think I am experiencing jealousy. It is going out towards a girl online. My mind is officially blown.
  20. I'm sorry. I will try not to stand that close then I think yesterdays unfortunate events need to turn around to things working out for me.
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