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Everything posted by deadcoldgothgirl

  1. If you want to come over that is fine. But don't tell me you are coming over and then two hours later still not be here because you had to stop by someone elses house and talk to them forever. I still have homework and other things I need to do besides waste my time waiting for you.
  2. My back hurts and people are annoying me.
  3. I have way too many emotions running through me at once right now.
  4. Wednesday is not going to be here soon enough. It's only 1pm on Monday. This is going to drag out forever.
  5. There are things I should be doing. I don't want to do any of them.
  6. I'm not sure how I feel at the moment. It's odd.
  7. You didn't do anything. But you do know the person that did. I'm fed up and done. I'm finally ready to move on. His whores and side romances are no longer my problem. He can keep his lies and his deceptions. He is running out of time to make positive changes in his life. So I hope karma makes sure he reeps what he would sow.
  8. Thanks for that I feel annoyed and victorious as the same time.
  9. I've been up and then down and then tired and then awake. I need to start feeling stable sometime soon.
  10. You are a jerk. I hope that one day karma kicks you were the sun don't shine.
  11. I'm really happy. Besides having to do homework, I'm in a really good mood.
  12. I'm feeling pretty good. I'm a little hungry and contemplating redoing a few projects, but I'm really happy.
  13. I completely agree with you. I guess I needed something to give me a boost, and sincee then I've been trying to improve myself little by little so I can make myself happy and not just rely on others to make me feel that way.
  14. Here is how the progression goes... - Feeling low about self because of a person. - Get homework assignment to play online game and write a paper. - Get addicted to game and completely put off the paper and homework until last minute. - Meet new friends on game and feel happy. - Get lots of compliments on game and feel even more happy. - Start talking to some of those people off game while still getting compliments. - Feel a million times better about life and more self confident.
  15. Hugs x10 I'm feeling really good for once. I'm positive and I feel high on life at the moment.
  16. I've been in a pretty good mood lately. I've spent a lot less time being upset about relationships, and a lot more time having fun and being happy with myself.
  17. I'm checking up on the internet and hopefully going to do my homework. I've been addicted to a game lately. So instead of being a good little student and getting my stuff done and then spending all weekend playing games, I played games all weekend and now I have to fight time to get my assingments done.
  18. A game has taken over my life. I am being unproductive. Ugh.
  19. I'm conflicted about a lot of things right now.
  20. I have a problem. I text people way too much. Now that I'm waiting for them to text me first, I'm going insane. It's only been a little over a day and I'm freaking out.
  21. I'm hungry. I was going to eat the few bananas I had left, but they started to go bad.
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