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Everything posted by deadcoldgothgirl

  1. I'm going to be screwed when I have to go to class in an hour. I didn't do my homework because I couldn't afford the book. Lame. Time seems to be going by very slowly. Normally time is going way too fast. Now it is just the opposite.
  2. I'm very anxious. I really want it to be friday at noon so I can go home for the weekend.
  3. I need to lose some weight. I also need to clean this apartment, get motivated, and finish my homework so I can have time to relax later.
  4. I'm feeling lazy, excited, tired, and anxious.
  5. ^^^^ Feel better I feel like my nose needs to stop running and my throat needs to stop making me cough. Stupid season change.
  6. My nose is killing me today. I feel tired and blah.
  7. Someone needs to come and do my homework and cleaning for me.
  8. I think my scale is confused. The numbers are going the wrong way >.<
  9. A lot better then I was this morning. I've been having a lot of sinus drainage which has lead to a lot of caughing. My throat feels a million times better. Now if I could just stop my sinuses from being stupid.
  10. Where the bleepity bleep bleep bleep did my debit card go? I'm almost positive I took it out of my hand bag when I got home. There are no random charges on my account. I've had two people help me look all over my house for it. I still can't find it.
  11. I'm most likely going to be there with a few friends. It's either go to this or my friends concert in Riverview. This sounds more entertaining without a bunch of teeny boppers screaming at my friends.
  12. I'm in an odd mood. I'm sad yet ok. I'm content and yet yearning for something. I'm hungry, but I'm not.
  13. I'm freaking pissed right now. I won't be able to sleep. I have to be up super early. I'm going to have a long day tomorrow. I need a drink.
  14. I need to wake up one of these mornings and feel like everything is awesome. Enough of this I'm just ok or crappy stuff.
  15. Things are way too quiet right now. It would be better if I had a ton of people talking to me at once. That way I would be preoccupied.
  16. If I don't fail anything, I have three semesters of college left. Since I couldn't sign up for all the classes I wanted this semester, the class balance is off. What does that mean? They recommend you only take two BCA classes at a time because even the smaller level ones will kill you. I have only 400-500 level BCA classes left to take. I have to take three of those monsters together for two semesters on top of 400 level journalism classes. Do I screw myself next semester so I can get a break next year, or do I wait until I actually get a summer break before jumping into this little death sentance?
  17. Busy busy busy. I have two big chapters to read with questions that go along with it, I was up late last night finishing a project, I have an essay that I have to write, I know there is something else I have to do with the essay but I don't remember what that is, I have to get laundry done, clean the apartment, clean my room, and come up with what classes I'm going to register for next semester.
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