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Everything posted by deadcoldgothgirl

  1. I want a hug. I also want a reasonable answer for last nights freak out call.
  2. If you are going to complain that I'm not responsible, then please answer back my emails about something you want done. You are a student director. You don't own the station. If you want the job then do what you are supposed to instead of ignoring people.
  3. I miss you. But you always make me feel a mixed bag of emotions. Can we keep it simple for once? Can my memories become realities at least for a little while?
  4. I should finish cleaning my room. And I should have pulled something out for dinner.
  5. I'm hungry, but I'm not sure what I should eat.
  6. Your boss is really pissing me off. He never lets you off to do things I want to do even though you ask for time off months in advance. He can shove it.
  7. I'm in a super good mood. I'm not even tired even though I should be. I think I'm going to try to sleep though just because tomorrow is going to be another full and awesome day.
  8. There is no place like home and good friends.
  9. I'm not really feeling anything. Is feeling nothing a feeling?
  10. Stop giving me busy work. Stop giving me English homework for a Religion class. Stop annoying the crap out of me. How the hell have you been teaching here for 24 years while not teaching the subject you are supposed to be teaching?
  11. I'm better at the moment. I'm excited to go back home. That is where I need to be. I'm also really hot. My apartment is really warm and my AC unit is saying it isn't as hot as it really is.
  12. I'm very tired. I'm tired of a lot of things. I'm tired of a lot of feelings.
  13. I'm feeling like I want to cry and I'm tired. How could you do this to me? How could you betray me? I know I'm making an assumption from two words, but it seems so obvious. I'm really not doing well today.
  14. I'm annoyed. The people across the hall are being loud and rude. It is a monday night. Why are they drunk and loud? Someone from that party so far has crushed 3 beer cans outside, threw the cigarette container, ripped a sign off the door, made a sharpie smiley face on the doors glass, and most likely barfed. Our hallway smells like beer. Ugh. I need more smokes to deal with this crap and I only have one left.
  15. If my class is supposed to be a religion class, I would appreciate religion homework instead of english homework. I also don't understand why she is giving us so much to do. I have 500 level core classes that don't give this much homework. Three more essays to read and one paper, then I'm free to go to sleep.
  16. I'm really sorry that happened to you. I hope you feel better soon. I told matt. He feels really bad for you, but he is glad you made it out for the most part ok.
  17. 1) I'm not a baby person, but my nephew is really cute and seems to really like me. 2) I'm really tired so I think I'm about to snuggle into my relaxing bed soon. 3) I really need to get material and make curtains tomorrow for my room at home. It gets very bright in the AM. 4) Matt better see me after work tonight or tomorrow before work or I'll be a sad panda.
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