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Jessika Fxckin rocks

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About Jessika Fxckin rocks

  • Birthday 09/11/1987

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  • Location
    Mad heights
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  • Referred To DGN By:
    angel of death

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  1. Greetings and Happy Birthday :)

  2. When I was 19 I had the same rules, rebelling worked for me
  3. For my birthday this year I am going to the Renaissance Festival from like 11am-5ish pm. Then I think My Sister, her boyfriend and our other NON dgn friends(But you can come 2 if ya want)are going to go out to eat on are way to the Leland(to help me last longer than a 1/2hour). Then head all are little butts over to the Leland and start the drunken good time’s . I’m not sure on the meeting place at Renaissance Festival yet, but I know I invited allot of you on FB already I’m just making sure I have not missed anyone. So if you wanna come out to see me on my birthday just tell me, I’ll be more than happy to see you.
  4. I believe this to be my Sister Lizzy Bear and her boyfriend in the video on TmZ I think if she started singing and would not stop I would throw whatever I had to try and get her to stop LOL JK. The video shows its no where near as bad and she made it out to sound. Plus they did the same thing to Andrew W. K. like 2 years ago, so maybe she should know what she is signing up for. Needless to say when my sister said she ways gonna be there my thoughts where this was gonna happen. Not to say I'd actaully throw rocks at her but I would boo her off stage, It is what I'd except to happen.
  5. I slapped yours and your butt. Muhahahahahahaha! I came with my single friend Danye the goal was to try and find her a man but she was not intoxicated enough to not be shy( though I did get her to dance after a while :-)) But I hung out with Slogo(Duh!) and seen the birthday boy and Lillylu as well. I seen KatRN(smacked her boobs and ass) Kat I think I tried to bite you though LoL, and met my third Kat the one that normal where's a hat lol. I met Zaphier who was nice, Garbeldena was not with him due to June being sick :-( I hope she gets better soon!!!!! AstralCrux and it was awesome!!! Its was soooo hot in the club I think we left just after 2am but on our way home I did get to eat yummy egg mc muffin So great time over all!
  6. I'm gonna try my damn-est to get down there. Crossing My fingers to hope I get off work early :-) :-) :-):-) Or find a way down there
  7. I'm gonna try to go its just if neither ride really pans out I wont be nobody ever wants to leave after I get off work at 11:30pm :-( and in Troy :-(:-(:-(
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