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Jessika Fxckin rocks

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Everything posted by Jessika Fxckin rocks

  1. Knows me too well if she already figured that out lol but Boobs are nice but ass are good too legs, Lips, neck...... Wait off topic
  2. Yeah at work all the time We play a game called would you? You look at some one and say would you? And if they would have sex with that person you say yes or make fun of peopl who sit down and are waiting for a waiter. Or other reason customers are so dumb in troy alittle Yuppier but still dumb But being a dumb ass is not being disabled just dumb
  3. Has very nice boobs ..... wait I mean pic of her self LOL
  4. Has awesome Cigg's that taste like Xmas. And Is pink haired cameron diaz
  5. Hey if my sister cant come to make bday party since she just got arrested for drunk driving and may not be I can possibly out you and you frined on the list of people to get in free? But I need your name ass it appears on your id'S

  6. I veryy much not a dumb blonde and i cant wait to see her at my party
  7. Yeah better than me I suck. Your a crazy haired cameron diaz Booty dance and all LOL
  8. Cant wait to see you again. You can show me how to drop it like its hott again LOL
  9. AT work and it is soooooo dead I wannna Go home
  10. The job of the president less power for one person more equal to voters that voted Why is there a show called I love money?(though I love the show Catfights are awesome)
  11. Nope I was gonna Go But every one was not into it so I got really good news about my 21st party! i Party planed bought decorates for city Plus before I go nest time I should really get an oil change!
  12. NO I spent the Money on party stuff insted For my bday party on 9/13 there gonna let me go in before and Decorate it and I get 10 people in free I got excited and started planing LOL

    I could Bring a cake in to I just dont know how well that go LOL

  13. Hey Chicka There gonna let me go in to city before and decorate it for my party! Yay. Plus I get 10 vips in free.

    You better come

  14. Is awesomely Helpful when U Tried to find a limo but she does not seem to go her dgn anymore But i'm supper happy u helped
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