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Moderators I (1)
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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. Can I have that with extra Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce, please?
  2. Letting my geek of an old science fiction show hook up with my muse of bad poetry and lyrics to spawn an afterbirth of something horribly, horribly wrong...but funny.
  3. If ever there was an argument for a license to be parents, I think we found the poster children.
  4. You forgot to add it was a bad coffee day. Granted...but they use your bubble bath, and you are left taking a bath with laundry detergent powder that doesn't dissolve...sandpaper anyone? I wish for more good sushi.
  5. I thought Boris was much shorter than Natasha in the cartoon.
  6. I think he wins. I mean, I play and dance in the stuff. But to cry it out. (yes, I am talking surgery. NOT real blood play)
  7. *finds computer with sound card* *punches up topic* *punches up video* ... *ears starts to bleed* *has flashback to the sneak attack Khan did when Reliant first encountered Enterprise in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. complete with alert klaxons and chaos of mind melting* Spock: They knew right where to hit us. Kirk: Who? Who knew where to hit us? And why? Spock: One thing's for certain; we cannot escape on auxiliary power. If you excuse me, I am going to bury myself in the the most vile and verbose book in mental masturbation to try and restore my intelligence. *off to find his old copy of Harrison's Internal Medicine* (sorry, surgeon/internist rivalry joke)
  8. Modestly improved, though the leg still is an issue.
  9. Wrapping up notation, documentation for all the projects I have worked on thus far, and archiving them so I can surrender them to the PI at week's end.
  10. ratfrakkingsonofaBITCH, I finally can write something on this thread. The finding out I am working with a god-squad (cardiothoracic,) surgeon starting next week. (they are nick-named the god-squad because they are the only ones that will stop a heart for hours, and have the patient live again...and not part of the zombiepocalypse.)
  11. Me? No. Some guy named Lou Cypher has been footing the bill, for months in advance, and has refused signed a DNR/DNI request. I think he wants him to live just to make our single lives hell.
  12. Like I finally am getting some progress in the current situation.
  13. I'm writing an instruction set called "Western Blotting for Dummies," and I need to have at access "Writing an instruction set called 'Western Blotting for Dummies' for Dummies."
  14. Nah, he's been trached and ventilated for the last 3 months.
  15. There is no way on this green earth I can be androgynous. The shoulder/waist build are just dead giveaways. That being said, I find the concept interesting. Still open to whether it is hot or not.
  16. I was thinking fingernails-on-the-chalkboard myself.
  17. Can I really be as acerbic and sarcastic as House for more than the 30 minutes it takes to get orders right?
  18. There are times I am glad my current computer sound card is permanently offline. She probably would have made my ears bleed.
  19. Sorry, the Grammar Natzee was on coffee break.
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