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Moderators I (1)
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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. I. Live. Again. Oh dear gods, I am up at an obscenely early hour, even for my profession....AGAIN!! If you had your choice between fighting 500 kolbolds carrying backscratchers and wearing french ticklers vs. playing leapfrog with an unicorn, what would you do? (yes, this is what happens when I am allowed access to a keyboard this early.)
  2. I think this may help: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C3F9o4vBZ10
  3. I really need to find someone to help fill a bit of this spare time.
  4. You Are Fantasy / Sci Fi You have an amazing imagination, and in your mind, all things are possible. You are open minded, and you find the future exciting. You crave novelty and progress. Compared to most people, you are quirky and even a bit eccentric. You have some wacky ideas. And while you may be a bit off the wall, there's no denying how insightful and creative you are. What Kind of Book Are You?
  5. You Are Vanilla Iced Coffee You are subtle and modest. You tend to hang back in a crowd and watch what's going on. You actually have a lot to offer, but you make sure not to boast about it. You are sweet, loyal, and accepting. You are a true friend to everyone in your life. You bring out the best in people. You are secure enough to let others shine. What Flavor Iced Coffee Are You?
  6. You Are Made Of Creativity, Slyness, and Ingenuity 3 parts Creativity 2 parts Slyness 1 part Ingenuity And a Splash of Inspiration Finish off with an olive What's the Recipe for Your Personality?
  7. Like I have been forced up by my own biological chronometer at 340am this morning. I usually get up 4-5am. Like I wish the weather would make up its mind and stay summer for about 10 more weeks.
  8. Things on these exposures are turning out better than I thought. Where the hell is that student?
  9. A friend of mine posted this, I have to share.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lj-x9ygQEGA
  10. Hydrating and waiting for motrin to kick in.
  11. That I should be hitting the road to run in a few minutes.
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