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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. Swords Surgical instruments. Lab glassware, Ring Stands Burets Anatomy texts (considering getting one that is subject to extreme controversy.)
  2. Rat frakking sons of bitches. You needed to make sure your service reps were crystal clear on that matter. You just cost me months with your mistake.
  3. Sadly, it is serious. And don't call him Shirley. The lead role in the then groundbreaking science fiction movie "Forbidden Planet" as well as a serious actor, and comedy. Have "Don't call me Shirley" DVD of Airplane, and it's good to see his take on the movie that launched him into comedy.
  4. The Ribs are absorbing the dry rub goodness as we speak. The meatloaf is ready to go into the oven. The crack cookies are done. Rolls will go in tomorrow morning.
  5. Eh, to each their own. Kudos for the old systems. I had myself, at one point, able to close my eyes and pull random book out of the shelf and run a scenario from that game system.
  6. Got everything for Torg inclunding infiniverses...dying to run the game.
  7. Always liked Washu and Ryoko myself. Though there are times I would love to be in Tenchi's shoes.

  8. I would entertain that one can like the movie, AND the movie is still disturbing.
  9. Unless it has the power in hard numbers, I will have a hard time believing them safe. Unfortunately, the article gives no radiation measurements in hard numbers. And if there aren't people doing QC on them as often as radiation emitting equipment at minimum, I won't believe them safe. I am forced to keep at lowest common denominator, that those running the machines will say more=better in terms of radiation, until numbers and QA/QC protocols are stated. EDIT: Correcting topic title.
  10. Just thinking off the wall, here. I would be curious if someone who works with radiation often (rad techs, radiologists, et al.) went through one of those scanners with a one of their radiometers that were clean, and see how much they get with a scan. A lot of the images I have seen are awfully high resolution, which indicates a significant amount of power (radiation,) is being used. Frequent flyers would be at risk. Health workers are limited to around 5-rem total body exposure beyond background radiation of 0.360-rem a year we are all exposed to. (areas individually can have more or less, depending on area, but full body exposure is what body scans imply.) 5-rem of radiation is equivalent of 3-5 CT scans a year. (source: University of North Carolina Health Care System Radiation Safety Manual, link http://ehs.unc.edu/radiation/manual.shtml and this link here) Even at 0.500-rad, 5 round trips would be enough to give you as much radiation as an average hospital worker is allowed per year.
  11. Not good. Hope you are feeling better.

  12. Israel seems to have an option, dealing with more apparent risk than we do currently: Israel security article.
  13. Granted. 220 miles away though seems a bit excessive (the shortest road distance between the Belgium airport and Paris,) to not offer transport to the final destination. Not familiar with EU guidelines on flights though.
  14. Well, I know how hard it is to get the intimacy and feel in the WoD. I will have to think about it. I have gotten a call to run an adventure for the game I got my screen name from: Torg. I would need at least 4 people to run, maximum of 8. West End Games made simple player rules, and left a lot of the high game detail to the GM. The introductory adventure should give most a taste of it, and I can go from there.
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