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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. I believe in implants for reconstruction only (i.e. after cancer surgery,) as for many, it *is* psychologically devastating and part of their being. But that is just me.
  2. One great birthday celebration, complete with hot redheads with hawaiian cravings. The career I want. And the tech goodies wouldn't hurt either.
  3. Thanks for the Journey flashback in the title. Gads I'm old. Seen this happen to friends. College/University is an option. Either the Small Town Kid gets into a field that leads them out of the Small Town, or become so scared of the vast mix of people that they rush back to the comfort of the small town. Sounds a bit Lovecraftian (go insane (join the bigger whole,) or retreat to what's comfortable (return home,)) but it's true. When I was at university (a small university,) I saw several friends from small towns go on to bigger and better things in the city. I also saw several from small towns that were so scared of the different points of view that they went back home. I visited homes of a lot of my friends, and can confirm the size of their town was small. As for when I knew I was goth: Well, I have always been a bit, well, off. *shocks and horrors!!!* When I was about 9 or 10, I remember seeing the movie Heavy Metal. There was one song that struck a chord in me. "Veteran of the Psychic Wars" by the Blue Oyster Cult. Dark. Despotic. Nihilistic. Beautiful. Came across other groups that appealed to me: Depeche Mode, the New Wave stuff, it goes on. College was the the big realization for me. A few people were like me as well, dressed a little darker than I did (I have always been a fan of neutrals/greys/blues/blacks,) but were far more interesting to talk to than the pop culture followers. And with a great deal more depth of discussion. Before too long, a name came to it. It was Goth. Never had a problem being classified as one. It is one aspect of me. i have to go against the fashions of piercings and tattoos, as I have to regularly interface with the normal population. To me, it makes no difference. The nihilistic, dark beauty is not something that I need to wear externally. It is something I carry with me. As for where I want to live, I would want to live on a lonely atoll or an isolated part of a tropical island. The beauty of nature by day, and beauty of the backbone of the galaxy at night. And I wouldn't be so frakking freezing with these hawaiian genetics I have in the middle of this giant land mass/heat sink that I live in.
  4. Which means the raw ingredients may take a spike in price due to demand.
  5. OK, StormKnight. Which eternity shard are you going to tap for possibilities to pull this one off?
  6. If he doesn't know how, he can direct you to someone who does. As for me, I haven't used impact tools for a while. Been wanting to get a compressor and airbrush when things settle down to paint the Aztec pattern on a model of the Enterprise.
  7. i was expecting my dad to be a cantankerous old man who would spoil/love the grandchildren I would give him, and would live with me when I grew up and finished residency. Cantankerous in his usual way. Metastatic bladder cancer blew *that* part of my grand plans out of the water. Ping/call if you want to talk.
  8. You realize this warrants A Clockwork Orange style initiation into the works of Miyazaki, don't you?
  9. I don't know when the December Baby Birthday party is going to be, and that weekend is my birthday proper. I might stop for a bit.
  10. The plan is yes. Right now, it will depend on when the new job starts paying before I can lay in supplies for the meatloaf (supplies are available from only one place near where I live,) the cookies (a few grocery stores,) the ribs with dry rub, and the rolls. Eternal, I can also help with the turkey as well. I can put in a call for a few supplies from some connections.
  11. *starts the great mechanical security chanting, ready to do voodoo sacrifices on the server* Let's have it. ... What?! It worked to keep my old sports car running...
  12. Law schools making more lawyers than available jobs. $100,000 just going to law school, not including undergrad debt, and the possibility of a job that keeps ahead of the loans and living in the field is getting slimmer? 43,000+ new ones every year. Yikes. This is not the field it was 5-10 years ago.
  13. Looks like a bunch of upper levels either got a case of senioritis or pissed off the wrong people too late in the game.
  14. I found the perfect response to the zombiepocalypse. the 600 Million Berry Jackpot. Got to love the Straw Hat Pirates.
  15. Clearly, you have never met my LARP friends. I made one acronym in one e-mail, and it became the name of the center of the whole damned plot. And considering how much a lot of them hate/fear clowns, they would consider it indeed a very, very beautiful thing.
  16. Damn. There are like half a dozen places and things I want to do that night, and not enough hours in the night to do it. And an anime convention too?! Crap
  17. Flash (or whatever the hell they are based on) floating windows that can't be clicked off - Way Bad Idea.
  18. I unfortunately haven't had time or funding available to get a costume together. Damned licensure issues.
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