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Moderators I (1)
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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. Go back to bed, and consider a hot, spicy lunch.
  2. *sigh* It's people like this that make me sometimes believe that a couple of ideas seem good: tests to see if people are qualified to be parents, and a permit to reproduce with punitive fines.
  3. After seeing what has to happen to keep a 3 month premature infant alive, you aren't the only one. Agreed.
  4. DGN @ City Club, Saturday, September 25th Come. Join us. Meet us. Hang out. We're not that scary in person, really. Leland City Club 400 Bagley Street Downtown Detroit You enter by going through an unmarked door on the First Street side of The Leland Hotel building just before the gated parking area on the side of the building nearest 1st Street. The club is at the top of the stairwell. (see picture in the link above in the DGN calendar entry) All are welcome. Come meet some of us weirdos. Saturday nights from 10:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Alcoholic drinks until 2:00 a.m., pop and juices served all night. Admission is $4 18 and up, 21 to drink with proper ID (no exceptions). No drugs, weapons, chains or spikes. Zoomable map to City Club. MDOT lane closures (The map isn't quite exact. The Ramada is located within the Bagley, 1st, Cass, Plaza Dr. block.) In case you don't know the "DGN Corner" is to the right of the bar. Currently theres a table, pillar and white couch there, impossible to miss. Come say hello. If no one is there, stay there, they will show up. More info can be found here: http://www.lelandcityclub.net
  5. I am so glad I never got into those games. Give me games that i face a real, living, dice-rolling person opposite me, downing pizza, popcorn, cheese sticks, and soda. *looks at game book library* *sighs*
  6. Walk-in clinics should be interesting...better bring a book.
  7. If only it were that easy to take down Tyranids with an assault marine... Usually it has to be heavy weapons at a distance.
  8. +1 One would believe so, if there hasn't been soul searching to prove that one is indeed OK, and comfortable with oneself. Rather than go off into a rant of things people say that are both trite, condescending, patronizing, shaming, and annoying, I will say this: Then I see people more morose, depressing, etc. than I am, who are currently in long-term relationships, and I think the world has gone mad and only a few are sane. To quote The Tick: "You aren't going crazy. You're going sane in a crazy world!" *cheesy heroic grin*
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