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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. Wouldn't the EM a Telsa coil puts out may have an interference with telecommunication, not to mention some of the medical equipment, and a variety of other electronics we use daily?
  2. The phrase for it is "Glasgow Smile" or "Chelsea Smile."
  3. Not bad, Gaf. Reasonable range, electric. About the weekly commute to work on one charge. Only minor sticking point? Vacation driving (i.e., 800-1000 miles a day.) The charge times make for a heck of a layover. But otherwise... Do they come in black?
  4. Why? They would only ruin the areodynamics, and drop milage as a result. "Sorry, Ellen. We can't put your mom on the Lotus. Our milage will drop 10 miles per hour."
  5. Did I mention I am hella eclectic, and I just kind of go with what feels right in music?
  6. Hats off to the sound people for tuning the room. The ballroom is way too acoustically bright, but the sound people were able to compensate for it.
  7. looks like the top one is bent at the tip, the middle one has a huge nick out of the cutting edge, and the other one has a nick in the spine.
  8. Gatchaman. I mean, come on, they had the bird missiles and the kagaku ninpo hinotori to burn their way through things. Cujo or the American Werewolf in London?
  9. Arrggh... I was unable to go out and get a mask due to personal issues. Rat frakker.
  10. I know a couple of the bouncers were working on quitting because of it. Whether or not it is going to be enforced, time will tell.
  11. Actually, not entirely fancy clubs. Just busy ones. Before it became part of the new Washington National's stadium, the club DC Nation had attendants in its main restrooms, (off the main entrance.) They not only made sure that restroom was clean, but they also were security, ensuring shenanigans weren't going on in that restroom. I was OK to tip them a bit before leaving just to have a clean place to relieve myself. The smaller restrooms (about the size of the men's restroom at City,) had no attendants, and were usually trashed. I only went there if there was no choice in the matter. The problem with attendants at CC is the current restroom size, at least for the men's restroom. To set up the accessories and support equipment and have the restroom functional would be like fitting the offensive and defensive linemen from the Lions into a Yugo: a physics defying feat.
  12. Welcome, sir. Tyger's brother...I am so sorry dude... *runs from the Wrath of Tyger* Just kidding. Nice to see you here.
  13. Now, now. You must have dinner first. Sushi on naked girls with cookies on naked girls as a dessert.
  14. OMG... The guy's kid is putting out a book of his quotes: Amazon link here.
  15. Man in Black: [as he is unsuccessfully fighting Fezzik] Look, are you just fiddling around with me or what? Fezzik: I just want you to feel you're doing well.
  16. My brain is going to melt with all these organic solvents I get to play with today.
  17. "There's a shortage of perfect breasts in this world. It would be a pity to damage yours." "As you wish."
  18. Used to. I only play AD&D/D&D at RPGA events/Gen Con. First Edition AD&D when I did. I have most of the books (missing only the Cthulhu/Melnibonean edition of Deities and Demigods and the Oriental Adventures.) To me, this was the one and only, where all the good modules came out (Dragonlance, the Demonweb series, etc.) To me, people were having fun with the game at TSR instead of just profit margins. Given a choice, I will avoid anything second edition and later. When they tried to make it a multigenre system in 3rd and beyond, they forced the flavor of the genre into a D&D mindset. Star Wars d20 felt more confining than the original West End Games version. Nowadays for fantasy, I tend to want to play Warhammer FRP, GURPS, Earthdawn, and Stormbringer. I tend to be more future/science fiction games anymore. I tend to be a more action-adventure player. I like the heroic feel. Going through all the original Dragonlance modules was a blast. Kind of vents the frustration of the week when you can go and beat the crap out of something big, even if it is with dice. I never liked the Ravenloft world setting, as to me it forced the game to be horror story than a high fantasy game. And I refuse to go into Spelljammer. Forgotten Realms was OK. If playing, I do prefer Greyhawk and Dragonlance. We used the 4d6 rule for character generation, (roll 4d6, take the highest three,) and assigned them to whatever stat you wanted. We were all out for a good time, and wanted to play mostly ourselves. If the rules got in the way of fun, we would kind of toss them aside. All about the teamwork. There can be some intergroup strife, but we put that aside for the goal. Being social and around friends, gamer food, times of laughing, are what I liked about roleplaying games, (hence I can not see how video games, even on a network, can be considered real roleplaying games.) I leave strong intergroup conflict for something like Paranoia, where it can be taken in humor. I usually preferred elves or magic users, or both. I have been know to play a fighter type or two.
  19. It would be easy to make accent boards though. Just cut it from stock, Having a hobby of etching my own electronic boards, it would not be so hard to etch something interesting. And with a little extra effort, you can add functionality to them as well. Cut a small board out of stock, a triple-nickel chip, batteries, a few LEDs, some old coils from a radio (nonfunctional,) a coat of solder mask (the reason why circuit boards are green/red/whatever but brown,) and *flash* instant light accents. Of course, since the triple-nickle (for non-techies, the 555 timer 8-pin DIN IC chip,) can have an adjustable frequency, I can think of a few other ideas of what to time.
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