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Moderators I (1)
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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. That is the question. My goal is to try to stay half the week with someone, then grab some hotel space after Wednesday. To get around the city, I will need to rent a car, which will take most of what I would use for a room. Wednesday, being my pay day, will grant me the freedom to get out of a friend's guest area, keeping imposition as minimal as possible.
  2. Hey all, It's been a long academic year for me, but it ends in two weeks. As the fates would have it, I have vacation scheduled for it's last week. So I am heading back to the D. I will be hitting the nights as they show up as I can. If anyone else has things to do, let me know. I will be arriving on the 22nd of June, and be back in the glove until the 1st of July. I hope to see everyone out and about that week.
  3. In CT right now. I plan to be back at the end of June.

  4. Three weeks of ICU hell...lovely.
  5. Well, AMA has these guidelines. Treatment of self or family members.
  6. My brain hurts. And this test can't get over and done with soon enough.
  7. We'll, there is a major violation of medical ethics if I have ever seen one. Usually it is considered wrong to treat/attend to immediate family members. The only way to do it is if the physician is the best in the field.
  8. Rather have this topic here than in Health and Wellness. Because the food they create promotes neither.
  9. Something for the diet-unfriendly foodie. Dear gods...my blood went solid just watching this. Epic Meal Time
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