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Moderators I (1)
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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. *feels L1, L2, and L3 of his spine suddenly become osteoporotic and suffering compression fractures*
  2. Lunch. Hoping I can eat it and not kill anyone around me.
  3. I should have warning signs and lights around me when days like this happen...
  4. Sadness. Liked his work, even "Dream a Little Dream." Ironically, Licensed to Drive was out (and I saw in the theaters,) during Driver's Education. My friends and I saw many a disturbing, but funny, parallel. ... Yes, I learned to drive in 1988.
  5. Roll this one around: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNzu237bibM

    Shows japanese word play in two different languages.

  6. ...and where is the CCA symbol on that comic, young man?
  7. The temptation was there when I was at Chateau de GameBase to borrow someone's account for a bang-bang-shoot-'em game last night. But I called upon the Light Side of The Living Force and the horror flashbacks of decades of truly sucking and failing almost every video game I have ever gotten my hands on, and the temptation passed. (Not to mention I epically failed DDR on Beginner difficulty just a few hours before to remind me how much I sucked.)
  8. It could be worse. Could you imagine the devastation if *I* was a brain-eating zombie?
  9. OK, I am sitting on about 100+(at least,) domestic DVDs, with several hundred gigs of fansubs between hard drives, iPod (got a program that does video conversion to put them on an ipod,) I have been watching for years, spanning from 1972 to the present. The anime cult came over with burlap sack and pancakes to abduct me to be initiated. AMV Hell didn't hurt too bad. *twtiches* But back to fashion: From the Father of modern manga, Osamu Tezuka (who was also a physician,) I give you Black Jack, the unlicensed surgeon with the hands of God. I would *so* like to pull off that outfit with the over cloak.
  10. *blink*

    *connection made*

    *shocked look*

    Why yes, I believe I know you as well. :) How goes it?

  11. Whatever do you mean? *innocent look* They do fog up badly when you are in 90+ degree humid summers with full MOPP biochem wargear.
  12. The thought should be, "Now if they made glasses to wear with a mask..." These are issue military gas mask insert glasses. They keep a tight seal on the mask where wire and plastic frame glasses would let in toxins. I still have mine, though the headband needs to be replaced. Me, I am a bit more of a classic wear person when I do dress up:
  13. Here we are again. 4 more hours and counting.
  14. I need some life or death excitement. Things are not exciting enough, and my adrenaline glands are begging to be used.
  15. Hello and welcome! And for the record: My brain is under guard from being "nommed" upon.
  16. 3 hours... This next month or two is going to suck.
  17. How is it I get the dead, frozen cartoonist in my house? And I thought I was a dog
  18. Besides, ninja have good burgers. And they deliver in 30 minutes or less, or they commit Seppuku.
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