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Moderators I (1)
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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. There are 100 ninja watching this thread. They already have the pirates here marked for assassination.
  2. I have got to get out of the 80's. The Pirate Movie is all out cheese, but dammit, I like it.
  3. I am installing scenery for X-Plane. Started with Africa first. Songs may be cheesy depending on what I am installing.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MESbr6VNpa4 Just couldn't resist. Love the moroseness of this.
  5. Holy Toledo, Cleveland, and Cincinnati! For a LEM, this frakker moves fast! Has to be Snow Leopard.
  6. I think I might. Just don't threaten with the pancakes and rope, please.
  7. Come on. I know you are only 2.16GHz, but I could have coded the OS in oils by now.
  8. None for me, thanks. I have the sushi and the Pocky.
  9. to quote Calvin and Hobbes: "School sponsored terrorism course?"
  10. Nice, Spammer. Though I am much more for a higher hemline myself. Sorry, Id likes the legs.
  11. What? You mean that stuff coming out of your cranium in that picture is mold? *runs*
  12. Is it me channeling a macabre sense of humor snickering my ass off, or is the fact these are indeed funny as hell?
  13. The high point of this week is going to be whether or not those two got the packages during the live feed.
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