Someone want a Hawaiian Punch?
What? I can't make fun of myself? Sure, take all the fun out of life.
I suspect I will have to give this stuff a try one of these days.
No, no, dear. I am breaking out the massage gloves...ones with vibrators in the fingertips.
I am sure you can imagine the effects of me applying them (in)appropriately to young women like yourself...
Hell, not only do I want to pay her turn me (litterally,) into poi, but I was offering her dinner and clever conversation as a hella tip! I think it would be worth at least that much.
You mean I had to pay for Saturday night? D'OH!
(Catch me next time
From The Onion:
Sagittarius Nov 22 - Dec 21
It'll be a nuisance wearing the Nielsen box on your head all week, but at least you'll find out that your viewership goes up when you're fighting or having sex.
From h2g2:
Sagittarius: Nov 23 - Dec 21
Someone will tell you to 'take a chill pill' today. Hurt them.
(Hell, I tend to do that if people say that, anyway. Damned class A personality.)
I am watching Lord of the Rings extended versions, listening the commentaries. All four full-length commentaries on each of the three movies (cast, directors, production, and design teams.)
Then, I will watch all three again in THX, again. Then the extras DVDs.
Yes, I am that bored.
Actually, we solved the problem with my last group and dice. We used either the dice box (like Cheshex dice) with only the necessary dice in it (for us, two dice,) or a gumball machine toy container (the ones that little toys are placed in gumball machines) with tiny dice in it. Big enough to feel it on your person, small enough to be unobtrusive.
Oh, you didn't know? you were The Lottery winner in the Dirty Old Man target.
(Hey, it could be worse. It could have been Shirley Jackson's The Lottery. This has to be better than getting stoned to death.)
Panicked and strung out.
I know I can startle/spook easily, but it takes a lot to really cause a near high anxiety panic. Especially since I am a crisis management instructor.
Unfortunately, I have been hit with something that has done so.
So, in other terms:
PANICKED!!!! and strung out.