How medical/zoologists prep ribs: Separate the parietal plural from the dorsal side of the cranial end of the rib section. Using gentle traction, elevate the plural with caudally. For ease of consumption, wedge resect the intercostal neurovascular bundle from the inferior side of the rib using sharp dissection. Apply the herbals/salt to the external side of the rib section, working it in in the process.
How most cookbooks/people read how to prep ribs: Remove the membrane from the bones of the ribs. Apply and work in rub.
Well, the ribs are prepped, deveined (I am not big on vessels...too stringy,) rubbed, wrapped, and refrigerated. Just waiting on tomorrow to put these to the fire.
DVDs I am bringing:
-Big Trouble in Little China
-The Monster Squad
-Hudson Hawk
Come to the Storm Knight's Guild...
...we have cookies. And rolls.
Rolls are baked and packed, the cookies are cooling. As soon as the sink is cleaned the ribs come out for cleaning and rubbing.
Should be ready for the party.