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Moderators I (1)
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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. The number of times I have been a block against these people...
  2. Why did my bunny sense of danger go off like a full arsenal broadside shot from the U.S.S. Iowa?
  3. So *this* is what it was like to be part of the imaging team for the space probes of the 70's and 80's. May the gods bless those OCD shutterbugs.
  4. I thought this was. I know I am the anti-Cupid. (See above posts.)
  5. Cotton loaded brain still. Wake up, dammit.
  6. *looks at devices* Are you sure I have to put these on? *head desk*
  7. You giving her crash space? Get the dark chocolate and strawberries. Trust me. *keeps thinking of the living room Snoopy dance*
  8. I will be making my purchases this Friday/Saturday for stuff.
  9. I wish it was just boys. But from unfortunate personal experience, it is not just a male perview. A list of what women have been picky about.
  10. DGN @ City Club, Saturday, November 21st. 400 Bagley Street Downtown Detroit You enter by going through an unmarked door on the First Street side of the Ramada Hotel building, located at 400 Bagley Street in downtown Detroit. The club is at the top of the stairwell. (see picture in the link above in the DGN calendar entry) Come. Join us. Meet us. Hang out. We're not that scary in person, really. Leland City Club All are welcome. Come meet some of us weirdos. Saturday nights from 10:00 p.m. to 4:30 a.m. Alcoholic drinks until 2:00 a.m., pop and juices served all night. Admission is $4 18 and up, 21 to drink with proper ID (no exceptions). No drugs, weapons, chains or spikes. We've had reports that the CC parking lot will not break bills larger than $10, so try to bring smaller bills with you. Zoom able map to Leland City Club MDOT lane closure (The map isn't quite exact. The Leland is located within the Bagley, 1st, Cass, Plaza Dr. block.) In case you don't know the "DGN Corner" is to the right of the bar. Currently theres a table, pillar and long narrow wooden table, impossible to miss. Come say hello. If no one is there, stay there, they will show up. Note: If you're NOT going this isn't the place to post about it.
  11. Hey, now. I would cook more than a couple of times a week.
  12. Not torturing...honoring us with the graces of their images, which are still pale imitations of the person.
  13. *sigh* And about half a dozen people last night were wondering why the hell I wasn't married.
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