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Moderators I (1)
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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. Why does this fandom/appreciation strike you as strange?
  2. I'm in for Eevee. Remember, Eevee, I have anime and cookies.
  3. While that discussion is typical of any surgeon (I should know, I was one,) you have to realize the error of your thought. The surgeon that inspired the character of the above quaint, (though sterotypical,) diatribe of incorrectness above actually *is* that awesome, (not to mention a full on SILF (surgeon I would like to f***,)) you are most incorrect on this topic.
  4. Considering I know the person who this guy is based off of, (and considering it's a she,) you are most incorrect in your interpretation.
  5. StormKnight


    You still in shock?
  6. Make sure we are close to swimable bodies of water. I understand that can be problematic.
  7. Yeah. Time to get to the gym more often. Legs are pulped after a few miles on the bike. And can they make bike pants with padding that doesn't make you look like a half-naked Ken doll?!
  8. StormKnight


    Are you implying something? It was only, what, 70+ pieces of sushi the last time. Give me a few months to settle into a routine. I be going through sushi withdrawal. What I have had so far is mediocre here. :(
  9. I have confirmed death has occurred and legally killed people (by signing death certificates.)
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