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Moderators I (1)
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Everything posted by StormKnight

  1. Just to put a song in your heads that you will need to burn out with a blowtorch
  2. I have been able to go through about $100.00 in sushi by myself alone.
  3. Vegging out after finishing relieving a partner from an experiment.
  4. I wonder how long before I can start.
  5. *Pops open a can of UCC Coffee with Milk, Your Post-Apocalyptic Caffeine Source* Seriously, have you tried this stuff? Talk about tweaking out. A can wires me for a while. UCC at Amazon UCC at VeryAsia.com Company home page
  6. Check and see if we are ready to kick of today.
  7. *still bleary eyed from waking up*
  8. Going to be a looong day before lunch.
  9. This can't get here soon enough. I haven't had sushi ad libitum for the longest while.
  10. sucksucksucksuck...that was too close.
  11. taking a break after averting a botch.
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