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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Ah, well, now I'm off to bed. Goodnight, Ned.
  2. It's so lonely in here. Did I scare everyone away?
  3. This was fun: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EJBIM1GHCRU&feature=related
  4. I liked this one, but maybe that's because I'm awfully partial to Regina Spektor. That's some interesting dance troupe.
  5. Hi! Good to see you posting again! I missed you.

  6. As mentioned in From the Business Desk In view of Raev's information that the costs associated with streaming are likely to skyrocket in the next few years, do you think this is a wise move? If you have Netflix, what are you going to do? I, personally, am going to drop the DVD by mail option. We use the streaming more anyway. I think if Netflix is trying to get MORE money from their customers, they just blew it. I was paying $2 more a month for a feature I didn't hardly use. Seriously, I get one DVD by mail every 90 days on average. Now, I'm more likely to use Redbox or my public library. It's easier than waiting three days for the next disc. A better move would have been to have increased my charge incrementally. It's not that I CAN'T pay $16 per month. Rather, it's that their marketing makes it seem that I'm losing value here. So, now they have a disgruntled customer who will pay them less for what she is already getting. BAD MOVE. Honestly, it's like the frog in boiling water thing and I probably would have agreed to $16 dollars per month if the fee went up in $2 increments over 18 months instead. They need a new marketing department. Secondly, if what the CNN Money article that Raev quoted is true, then I think the studios are making a big mistake. [Damn it! How can I get the code to stop including all the following text on the same line? That's annoying.] Back to what I was saying: if licensed streaming costs are going to go up that much for the providers (ten times? really?) in the next year or two, those costs are definitely going to have to be reflected in the cost to the consumer which will, in turn, increase the impetus for the average consumer to pirate those films. What do you think?
  7. Swears make it NSFW My second favorite Epic Rap Battle of History:
  8. Okay, I don't know nothing about nothing, but this looked like it might the teensiest bit suffice as a birthday offering: Happy birthday, Chernobyl!
  9. *hugs* Good seeing you!

  10. Put an ice cube on your neck just under your ear, if you can stand it. Or put ice on your ankles and wrists. It works to lower the temperature of your blood and consequently your entire body. Also, quick showers in lukewarm water also help lower your body temperature a few degrees. Or you can take advantage of this excellent excuse to eat popsicles--that also lowers your body temp.
  11. Is anyone on the board taking fluoxetine (Prozac) right now under the direction of a physician?
  12. Well, I probably overdid it for just starting out exercising, but according to Google maps, my walk 2 hour and 25 minute walk today (including stopping in at 7-11 only to find out they were out of the free Slurpee promotion cups) was 7.2 miles. Don't worry. I stretched for 20 minutes when I got home.
  13. I don't exercise because I'm lazy. I haven't a great amount of discipline around any area of self-care because a) it requires effort, and b) I have severe issues with feelings of self-worth that fluctuate unpredictably at times. Being fat reinforces my negative self-image and sometimes I can deal with that in a way with which I feel more secure because its pain is more familiar. Happiness terrifies me. But I've been happy since Scott and I have been together and nothing catastrophic has happened yet. *crosses fingers, knocks on wood, waits for lightning to strike*
  14. Wow. Sweetness. *buys Iris a praying mantis who will both assume the requisite posture of obeisance in the face of such awesomeness AND reduce the aphid population in Iris' immediate vicinity*
  15. You Are 34% Evil A bit of evil lurks in your heart, but you hide it well. In some ways, you are the most dangerous kind of evil. How Evil Are You? The First Rule of Blogthings Is: You Don't Talk About Blogthings
  16. I agree with GRG about the solid colors. In spite of this, I like the look of the last one, but it will probably be more difficult to read as a bumper sticker. Also, I'm thinking the bat logo should come in front of Detroit instead of after to make it clear that DetroitGothic.net is one word and we're not Gothic.net of Detroit. And the 'n' of 'net' is hard to read in that script. Maybe a lower case 'n' would be better. Lastly, if the bat was scaled down a little in size compared to the lettering, it would be more distinct.
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