1) We were twelve, she was heterosexual, and I didn't know if it meant I was a total freak or what, so we buried it.
2) I just hooked up with him to find out what this sex thing was--it took me four months to work up to it and then seven months more to have the courage to break it off. Yeah, I know it was callous to use him like that, but at least it weighed on my conscience for seven months.
3) He was a sociopath and I was weak. Once I realized that it was never going to end except in either my death or my walking away, I walked away.
4) She cheated on me, first with her physically abusive ex-girlfriend, and then with the wife of her drug dealer.
5) The (nearly) greatest eight months of my life. True, my heart was completely broken and I was a wreck for two years following, but, WOW, what a ride. I was her first girlfriend, and, given that all her hetero relationships had a two-week expiration date, I think I did astoundingly well by her.
6) He didn't have a visible dark-side. The man even smiled during the recounting of how a freak plane accident (plane crashed in their backyard) killed his father when he was six right in front of his eyes. He never seemed to get upset about anything. I couldn't help thinking that either he was REALLY dumb or he was hiding something so evil that it was beyond my imagining.
7) I tried. For nearly five years, I tried, but he just wasn't capable of the psycho-emotional closeness and support I craved.
8) I don't know what I was thinking. He had the emotional depth of a hairball, but he was, in his bland, pablum-seeping sort of milquetoast manner, the nicest boyfriend I'd had until then. But when it came to the discussion of drama, he couldn't comprehend why things shouldn't always have a happy ending. And, regarding children, he preferred a lifestyle that would enable him to take frequent naps. So, not what I was looking for.
9) Well, they are the reason I'm here. All I'm going to say is that I broke it off and we weren't the best match.
10) It's not over. It's not nearly over.