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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. I don't really care whom he considers a brother or sister of whom he is not by blood a sibling. What I care about is whether this is a declaration that he will treat some people with prejudice and others deferentially based upon their religious beliefs. If the answer is yes, then he openly violates the U.S. Constitution which, given the First and Fourteenth Amendments together, prohibits an elected officer from making those distinctions. If he is merely making it known that, when not serving in an official governmental capacity, he hopes to persuade people to accept his beliefs, but otherwise, especially when officiating as Governor, does NOT make distinctions between his constituents based upon religion, then he should be safe. Even Evangelical Christians have the right to run and be elected to office. This is just a case of "wait and see."
  2. ^ Yes, as Cherny pointed out, it was flagged for removal. What was the deal with the dead dogs?
  3. That's not a pounds question. That's a liters question.
  4. Um. I'm generally encountered by people on this board in highly edited little episodes in which I can carefully manipulate my appearance to others. In the everyday, I am boring. It's okay. I'm alright with this. I enjoy oatmeal and organizing my coupons. I like nonfiction and find ants intriguing. My two favorite colors are grey and brown. I don't dance much. I read the text on the sides of food packaging and look for typos. My life is good, but according to the mainstream, it's most definitely boring.
  5. After I finish my oatmeal and complete a sudoku, I will drag out all the papers rather randomly stuffed out of sight in boxes and put them in meaningful order in my file cabinet.
  6. You suddenly find yourself a little hoarse. I wish I had a more solid sense of life direction.
  7. Well, I'd probably break down and sing in public. It's not like anyone has long to rue the day.
  8. I've scrolled over all the posts in here merely skimming them and not reading them because I can imagine the back and forth. Here's my two cents: Regardless of whatever rhetoric the shooter was fed, in the end, the decision to kill rested with him solely. This does not mean that hate speech isn't despicable. Invective moves people away from rational thinking into emotion-filled responses which further entrench us in our allegiances minimizing the opportunities for healthy debate and effective compromise. We need to stop being assholes. The people we disagree with are people, just like us, albeit with different ideas on how to accomplish surprisingly similar goals. Let's not forget this and treat them with the basic respect they deserve.
  9. I wish I could have gone, but I was so sick that night and trying to rest up for a very busy week at work. I'm keeping my eyes peeled for the next one of these.
  10. Thank you, Joey. That was the most sane reaction I have heard regarding the shooting.
  11. Up for a raid? Not so much. I usually procure my bean juice in a more pedestrian and consumerist fashion. But that doesn't mean I won't have coffee with you.
  12. Most newly discovered animal species are arthropods, so no. If it's furry or scaly, has a backbone and a closed circulatory system, I might consider it.
  13. Lame for watching it? If so, we're lame together. However, if we tie our gimp legs together, I bet we could win a three-legged race. Lame if it's the most recent movie you saw? Sure, if you don't have kids that bleed your wallet and suck up all your time. The last movie I saw in the theater was "Tangled." And I don't have kids. THAT'S lame. Lamer: I cried. Twice. And I wasn't even PMSing.
  14. I'm glad to hear you are doing so well! Congrats on your new happiness! May it keep coming up roses for you.
  15. Well, no matter your views on God and the plausibility of an afterlife and what would best constitute eternal reward, here's something we're likely to agree on: People suck. Welcome to the Dark Side. We are legion.
  16. I had a stunning realization last night as the wine wore off. "Ouch" is NOT onomatopoeia. Doh! And I meant to say 'interjection' in all the places I said 'exclamation.' Doh! Doh! Sorry I was so lame, and not just lame, but arrogantly so. I offer my figurative self for retribution; let the beatings commence.
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