Spook and I don't, pretty much. There are a few exceptions. I'd like, eventually, to be able to watch "Walking Dead" and we might sometime purchase past seasons of "True Blood," but more likely, we'll read the books and watch current episodes at our friends' home. Otherwise, our entertainment consists of face-to-face interactions with friends and acquaintances, games, social network sites like this one and facebook, and old tv series on video like "Kids in the Hall" and "Monty Python," and READING.
I suppose I'm also really "radical" in that I get my news from a newspaper. Yes, an actual printed paper delivered to our door four days out of seven. Because I AM liberal, I felt my news should reflect a viewpoint different from my own so that I might have more of an opportunity to listen (and maybe understand) differing opinions; I consequently subscribe to the "Detroit News" as opposed to the "Detroit Free Press."
So, our entertainment and informational requirements are met in those ways. We don't really see the need to have television.