Scott and I find ourselves happily married, albeit a little sad that our time and fiscal obligations require that we not spend all of our evenings out. And, whilst DGN and facebook are nice and all, they hardly compensate for the camaraderie of ftf interactions. Hence, we've hatched a plan:
EVERY TUESDAY between 6 pm and 9 pm, we will host dinner at our house for up to six people provided no more than two are children and no more than four are adults (our table is small as is our budget).
That's it. No hitches, no gimmicks, no lie. The first people to respond have a seat. We are inviting virtually everyone we know, so any six of them may be there, including family, DGNers, old school friends, and others.
PM spook or taysteewonderbunny by 8 pm any Sunday to participate the following Tuesday--if there are spaces left, we will confirm your seat at our dinner table!
If you like the idea, host an open table night of your own. Who knows? Maybe you will never eat leftovers again.