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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Will we see you for dinner 11/16 or 11/23?
  2. Hello! Scott and I find ourselves happily married, albeit a little sad that our time and fiscal obligations require that we not spend all of our evenings out. And, whilst DGN and facebook are nice and all, they hardly compensate for the camaraderie of ftf interactions. Hence, we've hatched a plan: EVERY TUESDAY between 6 pm and 9 pm, we will host dinner at our house for up to six people provided no more than two are children and no more than four are adults (our table is small as is our budget). That's it. No hitches, no gimmicks, no lie. The first people to respond have a seat. We are inviting virtually everyone we know, so any six of them may be there, including family, DGNers, old school friends, and others. PM spook or taysteewonderbunny by 8 pm any Sunday to participate the following Tuesday--if there are spaces left, we will confirm your seat at our dinner table! If you like the idea, host an open table night of your own. Who knows? Maybe you will never eat leftovers again.
  3. Everything I want for xmas is stuff I need to get/do myself: a new and better job, a clean house with things not in boxes, a smaller dress size. Pretty much is all there is left I could want because I have spook and he is my dream come true.
  4. Be sure that, when you go, you have the old card canceled immediately and get yourself a new card with a new pin.
  5. Sounds good. I guess the best "times are hard" recipe is stone soup. It's too bad we aren't all neighbors and have some arable land. We could till it together and raise some goats and chickens and eat in good company every night.
  6. Because it is a good movie. "Sophie's Choice." I couldn't stay for "Grave of the Fireflies," but that one always makes me bawl.
  7. Ditto here--the taysteewonderspook. Edited to add: would you mind if I hugged you on December 8?
  8. Oh darn, I was hoping it was recipes for comfort food for when you are depressed. Or foods that will help you feel less depressed. Because I'm always depressed in this season regardless of all the wonderful things going on in my life right now, and I could use a good recipe for potato bacon soup or something.
  9. I don't know what to say except that I am sorry for your loss, trite as that may sound. *hugs*
  10. Make a small to donation to DGN and you will (hopefully) save it from crashing at the end of every month AND get a delete button. I think that's how I got mine. Either that or the mods know how easy it is to put my foot in my mouth (and it's not a small foot either).
  11. I'm sorry, but I do believe I saw you naked (or nearly) at Manfast and I can tell you clearly and unequivocally that messing with perfection is a bad idea.
  12. I bet Reaper has some advice for you, sweetie. After all, he has that living dead chick in the back of his hearse.
  13. Yes, they can be distorted. That's why, if anything, especially because splinting is so difficult, you tape it to the neighboring toe.
  14. No, I mean that's five years down the toilet.
  15. Oh, I broke my toe this summer (second toe broken in lifetime) and I definitely knew it. I'm glad yours doesn't hurt you. I hope it stays that way, especially since there is close to nil to be done for it (unless somehow it breaks through the skin).
  16. That explains why the red fades so quickly. Thanks.
  17. They do. That's where I lost my early twenties.
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