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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. I'm drinking a second glass of wine in preparation for a movie experience that will make me cry until my eyelids swell shut.
  2. I think that they are just having fun, as in, "stupid wacko--take Geography and get a clue."
  3. They're called CRUSHES, not crashes. Quit messing up our server and post your list now. Thanks.
  4. Yesh. I am bringing the French Silk Pie again. [No, not the same (token) pie. The same (type) pie. If you are still puzzled, imagine it this way: last year, FSP felt highly intimidated by the laudable competition, so THIS year, she's sending her identical cousin, also FSP, in her stead.] And spook (but only select individuals are allowed to partake of him). Instead of cornbread, may I bring corn pudding?
  5. I heard it on the radio. The measure did not pass. I can't recall the exact count, but the measure was defeated.
  6. Wow! We all agree! See why I love him? He is so sweet and good and full of good sense, spook is, but with an "I'm a bad boy, well, not really, but I dress the part" demeanor. WTG, hubby!
  7. Thank you for this perspective. The background on the non-immigrant status is very helpful in understanding what is going on. We have many of the same issues in this country with migrant workers. It is a quandary. In your case, how are these Turks to feel German if they haven't German citizenship? They may very well question the validity of making the cultural investment. Likewise here in the United States, why should the migrant workers adapt to the U.S. if after the work is done, their invitation is expired?
  8. Oh, they're bringing back Nuprin, then. little. yellow. different.
  9. I am confused and disturbed by this. Will one of our German members report? How strong are these sentiments? About what percentage of the population holds them? What is your stance? My immediate response is twofold, and I may be wrong on both counts: 1. I think it important that immigrants to a country adapt to that country--that they learn the official language (they needn't speak it exclusively), that their children attend school, that they try to meet the needs of the society in whose lands they have chosen also to call home. This is bloody ironic, I know, coming from a European descended American who knows little to nothing of the aboriginal peoples her recent ancestors displaced. 2. Still, yet, in defense (and STRONG defense) of the Muslims, they should NOT have to forfeit identity of their heritage, nor their religion, in order to live peaceably in Germany. Muslims may change Germany significantly. Wherever there is a confluence of people, the culture shifts. It is the way of the world. It's scary, perhaps, but needn't be responded to with intolerance.
  10. Wow. What I can't believe is how calmly the employees served the next customer. That's dedication.
  11. Frank's Red Hot. He puts that sh*t on everything.
  12. I will gladly help if there will be another event this year.
  13. spook and I witnessed a fly sacrifice itself to the "ray of God." The ray of God is a halogen floor lamp much resembling a tall brazier. So, I suppose it happens.
  14. THank you, very, very much! Like spook said, we are sorry we couldn't have everyone at the wedding--several factors necessitated the intimacy of the affair. The eternal was wanting to have a big afters shindig, but we wouldn't let him. Bless his humongous...heart. Just be assured that spook and I still have much, much love for you all and we will get to planning a big party for you sometime around our one year anniversary. We haven't decided yet whether to make it an outdoor thing or an indoor thing and we need to save our money for it either way, but invites will appear sometime around next August we think. Mwah!
  15. Now that my last name is Drebus, considering going to Erebus and asking for a discount 'cos the name's just one letter off.
  16. There is now scientific PROOF that I am not human. No, no mere mortal be I, for I love both the candy corn and the indian corn, it's chocolate-imitating imitator.
  17. I am wearing my new hat because I love it. I can't wear it at work and I can't wear it when working on the house, so, by default, it's my Sunday hat. Yay, Sunday!
  18. I still say I was born an old woman. I pretty much look like I raided all the thrift shops for their handsewn, Talbot, and Pendleton stuff. I'm a square, but I'm a square in secondhand woolens.
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