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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Too bad this law wasn't in effect HERE in Michigan when the eternal went through all of that garbage last year.
  2. Yeah, the traditional spelling of that is "whoa," but I second that sentiment.
  3. Yes, it has been my experience that rich people are more ruthless and greedy with their money than is rational. They have the money, but a great many of them do not feel the same obligation to pay as the avowed values of the people of middle class. This, of course, does not describe all rich people. Still, there are many. Ability to pay does not entail willingness to pay, even when there is a moral and legal obligation to do so. Many independent contractors in the Grosse Pointes have gone out of business because of the delay in payments from their larger contracts---people with multi-billion dollar homes, six cars, a yacht.... I can't honestly say that rich people cheat more. What I believe is this: whatever it is that drives people to cheat and/or be irresponsible with their money and the money of others, is NOT governed rationally by one's ability to pay.
  4. That a priest does not practice what he preaches does not seem newsworthy to me. I am that jaded. What appalls me is the blantant mispelling in that article. "Absense" is a type of neurological disorder. The word the author wanted is spelled a-b-s-e-n-C-e. Who is their proofreader?
  5. My pockets collect lint. I compulsively buy sudoku books, yarn, and pens.
  6. ^I don't know what you guys are talking about! Thems the bestest candy that's not a Reese's or sugared violets. I don't care much for crystallized ginger. I thought I did until I actually ate enough of it to feel sick. I am fairly sure that no matter how one candies a cockroach, I won't be able to eat it without immediate emetic consequences.
  7. That's a really banal confession. Why don't you spice it up with a few lies? E.g. you wear dentures and your grandma's wedding dress when you eat them. Now THAT would be something. I would then have to confess that even I am not that interesting.
  8. I really liked that article. The last three points were particularly apt. When women (or anyone, really) wants a nice person to be with (and most do), we want something sincere, not a manipulation, and not a projected fantasy. Nice find, MB.
  9. Apparently, I'm partly responsible, occasionally balanced, and infrequently an oddball.
  10. Dear Bean, My mother has recently received a rash of calls from credit companies looking for my ex-husband. Should I notify his mother, the adoptive parent of our biological child, that he falsified information to the credit companies claiming my mother's home address and phone number as his? I worry that his mom might already be dragged into the mess and it will affect my daughter, but I fear also that if I say anything, she might feel that I am being vindictive. What say you?
  11. EFG, $350 in Madison Hgts.? When I was living in the Corridor, I thought my studio on Selden was a steal at $350 (utilities except phone/internet included)--and that was nearly a decade ago! Is the place you have income adjusted or something? I am amazed. Good find.
  12. Ha, ha, ha! Thanks, kat. I've been longing for a coffeehouse home since Trixie's went out of business. I took a peek at the website you provided and see photos of some very familiar faces (folks I know from the 14+ years I've been hanging out at open mics). Now I know where to find my brethren. Thanks again.
  13. I am truly torn on this one. My first reaction is HELL NO! Just because I don't believe in the tenets of a particular religion, I don't have the right to stomp all over someone else's beliefs.....but then, I believe in free speech. And people who have drawn Mohammed have gotten fatwas declaring that they should be executed--that's an extreme violation of my belief! So, I don't know. I don't want to be rude, especially to the Muslims who don't support killing for this reason. I have refused the fb invitation, but I don't know...maybe a couple million renderings of Muhammed would get the point across--they can't kill us all, can they?
  14. Am I a vampire or a werewolf? No. You have 19 more guesses.
  15. Really? I want to see how it measures up to Izzy's (13 mile & Little Mack, across from the Meijer). Their sandwiches are not only incredibly good, they are gargantuan!
  16. Hmm. Yes, well, I am decidedly not goth and, yet, I am here nonetheless, and gosh darn it, sometimes on some days, people here actually like me. Despite my grandmotherly wardrobe, my un-gothic taste in music, my grammar nazism, my errors in fact, my grotesquely punny sense of humor, my general flakiness, people on this board like me. I attribute this to our common experience, that most of us were outsiders for much of our lives in this society, partly because of individual peculiarities, but also because of our hesitance to completely embrace mainstream norms and values, so we have great empathy for, and desire the company of, like-minded people. You don't think you belong anywhere? Welcome to the club, friend. Not only are you one of us, we need you.
  17. You Are Brilliant You are a very talented person. And it's likely that your talents span many different areas. You are probably also very well educated - whether you've had a lot of formal education or have educated yourself. You spend a lot of time developing your skills. Practice means perfect, and you sure like to practice. You can be a bit of a perfectionist at times. You like to get things exactly right. The Retro Pattern Test
  18. Hmm. I wonder if it's a bonus feature for DGN supporters or something. I love it! Have you any idea how often I say something really stupid that I regret three seconds after posting? Of course you don't! I use my DELETE! Awesome.
  19. I need to eat better! Maybe that would give me the energy to exercise. Perhaps if I concentrated, not on avoiding "no-no" foods, but ensuring that I eat all the healthy foods I need, I would have more success in eating healthier. Right now, I'm undone by chocolate chip cookies. I bake them every day and one always finds its way into my mouth somehow. (Well, I feel badly for the deformed ones; no one will buy them! "Poor Quasimodo cookie--I will love you!")
  20. You don't have a "delete" button? To clarify, not on your keyboard, I mean. As an option on your post window, next to "edit," "reply," and "multiquote?"
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