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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Well, I had fun. I'm glad I missed the Gaga, though. Saw many folks I hadn't in a while and met some new ones, too. Good times.
  2. Ha! I beat you to it by one day (growing older, that is). I hope to look up to you one day in the future, but it may be a bit before I can make it to the club again. Welcome.
  3. Oops! I missed your birthday! So sorry. From what I can tell, I haven't been on since maybe as long ago as January 12th! Anyway, hope you had a splendid birthday, and since it is always an appropriate occasion for hugs, I'm sending you some of those.
  4. My wishes are a week late, but happy birthday, Bean! Big, big hugs to you. I hope you had a great birthday.
  5. I wouldn't take it personally. It may be that the person is a bit ditzy and unaware of the incongruity of his statements. It may be that this person has a martyr complex. It may be that this person lacks a little tact and is actually making a preemptive apology for the cheapness of the gift. In any case, the problem is his, not yours, and real gifts do not come with the expectation of reimbursement--so don't reimburse.
  6. I know you want to leave, but make sure you have a safe place to go to. It may be safer for your recovery if you stay. You feel like you are the scapegoat in your family, and you likely are. Try to explain as calmly as you can your feelings at the meeting (if it hasn't already passed). Keeping cool keeps your options open. Making full admission of your guilt in prior acts, restating your apology, and showing some willingness to make restitution can make things easier. It may all be that no matter what you do, things will suck, but if you've quit the drugging, the worst really is behind you so long as you make the firm commitment not to repeat the insanity sober. Come vent here afterward if no other friends/recovering addicts are available.
  7. For me, it is very important, but only when it comes to my absolute closest friends, of which I have only six: my best friend, her husband, my brother, Destiny, my mother, and my significant other. Fortunately for me, they all resoundingly endorse my significant other, though sometimes he himself is somewhat bashful in this regard. There was a time, or times, or several, or nearly all, occasions, really, when I had stubbornly, defiantly, and blindly stood by my most recent paramour to the concern and trepidation of my support group. It was this experience, however, that taught me two things: 1) how to identify real friends--they are the ones that stick by you even through the worst disasters but without condoning your bullshit. 2) how to identify a good candidate for a significant other--they are real friends. I am not sure how precisely relevant this information is to your situation since your issue is with your s/o's friend. But it seems that it is also an issue with your s/o if he is not accepting of the boundary you have drawn in this instance.
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