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Everything posted by taysteewonderbunny

  1. Spook has as much of boobies as he could ever want...I think it's your ass he's hankering for.
  2. Peanut M&M's. Damn things are 220 calories per 1/4 cup serving. edited to add "peanut." I had beer with the soup. That's my excuse.
  3. Well, let's get more than mad. Let's get even. I say we get as noisy and public about this as possible.....on facebook, youtube, everywhere. Once they have to spend oodles to undo the bad press, maybe they will rethink that decision.
  4. You aren't perchance reacting to the sudden adoption of the $4.99 fee to sock it to the poor that they have instituted, regardless of customer past history, on all accounts with a pre-assigned spending limit? It never cost them $4.99 per month for the SEVEN YEARS I've had them as my sole phone provider to maintain that little tidbit in their database that won't allow me to accrue $500 of debt with them, but now that I'm unemployed, they feel righteous in claiming 1/20 of my income over that bullshit! They say to me, "well, you can have the fee removed if you use Autopay through your checking account." To which I responded, "oh, that makes sense, so I can get monthly overdraft fees of $35 from my institution and $50 fees from yours? Who thought this up? Don't you know most people in my income bracket DON'T HAVE CHECKING ACCOUNTS? I'm just trying to scrape together a living until the job market perks up." Then I apologized to the dude, because Rory didn't have anything to do with the policy, but I begged him to log an official complaint on my behalf.
  5. Yeah, if I remember correctly, it had something to do with the recurrence of a precipitous event in France.
  6. My mom makes mean soup. Today's is bok choy, bean sprout, and chicken. Delish.
  7. Ah...so my half-start will be resurrected! I've found a home for my orphan. Who's next? C'mon, y'all, bring out yer dead!
  8. If you need an assistant, you know, someone to coil/uncoil the rope, get ready lube, condoms, and other accoutrements, I so volunteer.
  9. Funny you should say. I was, in fact, suffering from pneumonia at the time, but it was sort of a chant, an exercise in cadence. I can't read it without singing it.
  10. Crap. I had a really good essay going. I hit one button and the whole thing came undone. I'll post again once I've rewritten it in Word. Drat it.
  11. , , and . Plus some additional :grouphug in case you can't make it back here too often and the first three didn't tide you over. :grouphug again, for good measure.
  12. Hey! Scott's not oldish. He's still youngish. Give him until his next prime at least, but even then, he'll mostly be "pre-middish."
  13. Reading Gaf, yeah, we forget that the Christian god actually condoned slavery, even when it was used against his own people. So that whenever a slave population has a nocturnal religious event and then inflicts the same maltreatment to which they were subject on their enslavers (you know, rape, torture, and pillaging) instead of bringing a mighty famine and hightailing it through the desert and a sea, it must be the Satan with whom they made a pact. /sarcasm Likely to be true: there was a religious event prior to the riots at Bois Caiman. More likely reasons for the slaves' success: they outnumbered their captors eight to one, and after the all out massacre of the rioting men at Bois Caiman, some 200,000 slaves revolted en masse kicking those decadent French fannies as far out to sea as possible. I don't think it likely, Gaf, that the Haitians made a pact against Christian men for the control of Haiti...by virtue of the historical likelihood that the slaveowners of Haiti were Christian in name only. Their treatment of their fellow man in chains was wholly despicable. I think that if there is a god, whose side he was on is anyone's guess. [Oh my, I am virtually quaking with anger right now. Freaky.]
  14. You know you have them too: those weird projects you were so motivated to begin but did not complete. I dare you to brush the dust off a couple of their desiccating corpses and prop them up here, posed for a second life. I'll start: In my defense, I think I had a fever.
  15. I have a spatula. What did you get?
  16. Spook: She's in her prime! Msterbeau: Is that a crime?
  17. They were done on the paper, like it says. I think it probably evolved over time, that they started with something simple and discovered other methods along the way. Or maybe they just printed out a pattern from the intertoobz like on one of those oragami or paper aircraft sites.
  18. Thanks, gorgeous. Yeah, I could have told him to fuck off, but I know something that you do not know. His parents have legally adopted and are raising my daughter. If I was all bitchy to him, it might possibly have gotten back to them that I am a bitter and vitriolic cunt and I probably wouldn't have the chance to correspond with my daughter as I do now. Tact has purpose.
  19. I've never done any sort of scientific comparison. I do not for certain know the relative value of full fat versus low fat products. What I understand is that products with fat will help you feel full, but I feel full after consuming milk anyhow, so I don't think that benefit is negated by consuming a skim product. And, since it is rarely recommended that we get more than a third of our calories from fat sources, I don't think that it would hurt terribly much to err on the side of caution. I know people who strongly advocate for the consumption of full fat unprocessed milk, but they do so because the process of Pasteurization breaks down the fat molecules into littler ones that are more easily absorbed into the bloodstream during digestion. Since the heat of steaming the milk does that anyway, I can't see how full fat unprocessed milk makes a healthier latte. All I know is what I feel--skim lattes are a way in which I can indulge even when I am otherwise trying to make better dietary choices overall.
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